Chapter 21

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Alessandra's POV

Time stopped. Was i? Did i hear correctly? I slowly turned my head to him. His voice showed how nervous he was. He began to speak, "You don't have to answer right now. I'll give you some time. But please don't make me wait too long principessa."

I nod my head. What do i do? Am i ready for marriage? We went to bed and having his arms around my waist, feeling his hard bare chest on my back, the warmth he gives me, the feeling of safety when I'm around him. I wouldn't want anyone else. I want him. To be mine forever.

Massimiliano's POV

I said it. I'm an idiot! I couldn't stop the words. They just needed to get out, i needed to tell her. Most people would do something fancy and i wish i could have done that too but i just needed to ask her right away.

I want her.

My beautiful girl.

I held her in my arms. Crap! I have to speak to Emiliano and the guys about this as well. I need to do something special for her. I need to show her how much she means to me and that i love her.

I held her tight to my body and let sleep take over. Tomorrow I'm going to make it special and ask again. Yes. Tomorrow. Man its so nerve-wrecking!

I watched my principessa sleep and felt the drowsiness and sleep take over.


The Next Morning

Alessandra's POV

I woke up and found myself alone in my room. I wonder where Massimiliano went? I got up and remembered last night. He asked me to marry him! I got out of bed and took a nice warm shower trying to calm my nerves.

After the shower and my morning routine i changed into comfortable clothes. I got my phone and tried to call Massimiliano but he wouldn't pick up. I was starting to get worried so i called Emiliano.

E: What is it sweetheart?
A: Emiliano have you heard or seen Massimiliano? He wasn't here when i woke up.
E: Uh. Yeah. Um he's with me right now. He didn't want to wake you up.
A: Why is he with you? Is he hurt?! Is someone hurt?! One of the guys?! Are you hurt?!

I started panicking think something might have happened to them or Massimiliano but Emiliano quickly cut my rambling, assuring me that they were ok. He was sounding suspicious. I kept hearing grunts in the background and it would sound like Massimiliano becuase my back would shiver at his voice.

"What are you guys doing?" The phone went quiet. "Emiliano?" He sighs, "I can't tell you. Just don't worry. Everyone is safe and everything's okay. Oh! And put on the dress we left on your bed. Sarah will be there in a minute. Ok? I love you cara."

He hangs up with me confused and a knock on the door at the same time. I go to the door and open it. I felt a big hug, "Come on! I'm going to help you change! We don't have a lot if time!"

A lot of time? Change? What is going on? I voiced my last thought, "What is going on Sarah?" She grabs my hand and guides me upstairs. She sits me down and starts putting make up on my face and dressed me. Then she took me to i presume her car and drove off somewhere. And all fhis time she didn't tell me where we were going she would just squeel and jump in excitement.

The car came to a stop and she took me out and guide me somewhere. I still don't know where we are.

"Okay. Stay here." And she was gone. Just like that. I sighed, "Yeah sure leave the blind girl deserted. Don't worry I'll watch my step." I heard a delicious laugh to my right.

That laugh sent shivers down my spine making me smile and blush at ther same time. "Sei bellissima." (You look beautiful) I smiled and looked to him, "I wish i could see what you are seeing. The scars on my eyes tell me otherwise..... How Massimiliano. I still can't understand how you see beauty in me?"

I felt him pick me up bridal style making me squeel. "You don't have to understand. You just have to believe. Believe in me. Trust me when i say that you are the most beautiful girl i have ever met. Nothing can makae you less beautiful. Mi principessa. Ti amo."

His lips touched mine in a sweet gentle way. He sat me down and we started to eat. We had shrimp pasta and and then my favorite ice cream. Rocky road. I loved it.

After dinner he took my hand and we went outside. The warm breeze blew at my face. I wonder where Sarah went? I was about to ask Massimiliano if he knew where Sarah went but my mind blurred as he started trailing kisses down my neck. I started to hug him but felt him go down, "Stay standing. I wanted to do this the right way. I love you Alessandra. Your imperfections make you beautiful. Your voice is like my very own lullaby. I fell in love with you and i can't keep my eyes off of you. I need you. I want you. Mi principessa, will you marry me?"

I had tears going down my eyes. My imperfections didn't seem to matter much anymore. He made me feel beautiful. I couldn't say anything so i held his face and crushed my lips to his. After a while i felt him smirk, "Will you be mine?" I nodded, "Yes. I will marry you my Massimiliano."

He picked me up by the waist and twirled me softly. He crushed his lips to mine again then screamed out, "SHE SAID YES!!!" I heard laughter and heard the guys, Emiliano and Sarah laughing.

I felt a ring on my finger. "Its a silver diamond. It has a heart with our initials." I guess i was crying becuase he wiped the tears on my face that i didn't notice, "I really wish i could see it. I wish i could see you bit I'm happy. I love you so much. Everything you have done for me i love it. I love you Massimiliano."

I kissed his soft warm lips until i heard a cough then Emiliano's overprotectiveness came out which made me, Massimiliano, Sarah, and the guys laugh, "Okay you two. Thats enough now let me have my neice to myself for a while."

He held my hand and started guiding me i guess somewhere far from them, "I need to know that this is what you want. I need to know that you are sure about your decision sweetheart." I smiled, "I am. Uncle. I love him. I love him so much." He sighed then i felt him kiss my forehead, "As long as your happy. I'm happy. I love you Alessandra. Your parents would be proud." Tears were in my eyes and he wiped them away. We went back to the others and i was immediately in Massimiliano's arms.

He kissed my cheek, "I love you." I turned and kissed his lips again. "I love you."


Ok. So the next chapter will be the last. The Epilogue. I'm happy that my book was read. It's not the best but i thank the ones who read and commented. It meant a lot. Thank you guys for reading it. Until next time!

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