Chapter 7

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Alessandra's POV

Run run run
Clock is ticking
Blood is spilling
Your fear I'm eating
You think you can hide
Dont make me laugh
I'll always catch you
My dear. Nobody
Will save you
Everybody will hate you
Hahaha the world will
Despise you
Remember my words
No one will love you
No one will help you
Its you and only you
Take the hit
Your lip will split
Your skin will rip
Your blood will drip
From how hard the whip hits
I'll catch you
There is no where to go
No where to hide
People will die
Blood will be shed
So when your fully grown
I'll come for you again
You are my slave
I'll break you
I'll make you forget your name
Stupid girl
I'll make you regret
I'll show you who is boss
I'll engrave my name upon your skin
I'll beat you till your black and blue
You will soon be mine
So run. Run as fast as you want
But you will get no where
Run run run
I'll still catch you
*End of dream*

I woke up gasping and sweating. Those words. The haunting voice. When will it stop. I sat in my bed staring at the wall in front of me. Remembering the scars on my body.
"Monster. Murderer." Those words. Those names. I remember him engraving them on my skin. My back is bumpy from the whips. The scars are a reminder of what i am. I killed them. I'm a monster. I'm a murderer. I have shed blood. I have sinned. I shouldn't have gotten close to him. I should have let Jack ignore me. But i wanted his warmth. I'm becoming selfish. I want him to be mine. Yet i want to keep him safe.

He tells me he's not good for me. But its the other way around. I'm the one who isn't good for him. My life is tainted and he is too pure for my life. He is my safe place. His arms are my armour. His body is my shield. His heart is my weakness. His words. His face. His eyes. Everything about him. From his raw heart to his soft voice. His harsh words to his warmth. Everything about him i want. I want him to become mine. I want him to mark me as mine and i as his. But i can't. I'll just love him from the sides. I'll protect him from afar. Because I've come to realize that, I love him.

I walked downstairs to make breakfast but i heard a knock on my door. I walked over and opened the door. I allready knew who it was. His scent is intoxicating. Mouthwatering. "You really shouldn't open the door without asking who it is." I smiled and moved so he could get in. I closed the door. "I'll be back. You woke me up so i haven't brushed my teeth and showered." I started walking to the stairs but screamed when i got lifted off the ground. I heard him chuckle. Then his huskie voice whispered in my ear, "Well i can help you with the shower." His voice sent a shiver down my spine. He smirked and started carrying me upstairs. I crossed my arms and huffed. "I can walk upstairs by myself you know." "But what kind of boyfriend would i be if i let my princess walk on the cold floor with her delicate feet?" I felt myself blush at his words. Wait. Boyfriend?

I looked at him, "Is that what you are? Then am i your girlfriend?" He chuckled, "Yes. Your my girlfriend." I looked down and smiled but decided to play a dangerous game with him. I know his temper. "But. What if i told you that i allready have a boyfriend?" I felt him tense and before i know it I'm thrown on the bed making me squeal. I felt him get on top and growled, "Your mine. No one else's. I told you yesterday who you are. I told you i will never let you go. Even if you get sick of me. You're mine and mine only." Then i felt his hot breath and soft lips on the crook of my neck. He started sucking and i gasped. I knew he was leaving hicky's. Marking me as his. I started getting hot. I gasped when he found my sweet spot and let out a moan. I quickly put my hand over my mouth. How could i do that?! I just moaned at the touch of this man?! He held my hand and took it away from my mouth, "Don't hold it in. I want to hear you." He started leaving kisses on my neck all the way down to my chest. I gasped at the contact of him as he trailed his hand up my shirt and started cupping my breast. I gasped then let out a moan. I was feeling very hot on the bottom. I needed his touch. He took my shirt off and started sucking my nipple. I gasped and moaned as his hot breath and tongue started sucking my hard nipple. Then with his other hand he spread my legs and started rubbing my underwear. I could allready feel myself getting wet. "You like that babe?" I just nodded as his fingers started rubbing me making me arch my back. He then started rubbing my core and i couldn't take it anymore. "Let it out. It's okay. You'll feel better when you do." He kept rubbing harder and i felt something funny in my stomach then i peed.

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