Chapter 14

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Alessandra's POV

I woke up in the arms of the man I fell in love with. I got up and slowly got out of his hold to take a shower but then two strong arms brought me back down making me squeel.

His morning voice sent shivers down my spine. He smirks, "Good morning beautiful." I blush and quietly said good morning back. I started to get up again but he pulled me back down, "Where are you going? Its cold."

I laughed. "I need to take a shower and brush my teeth." He hummed while putting his face on my neck. His lips leaving butterfly kisses causing shivers to run down my spine.

I was too focused on his hot breath breathing on my neck that i didn't notice him picking me up and taking us to what i assume would be the bathroom. He started taking my clothes off. I gasped. I tried covering muself but he pinned my arms up on the wall. I gasped at the coldness.

He growled, "Dont. Don't hide yourself from me. I want to see your beautiful body. You're only mine." He started sucking my neck making me groan. I pulled his hair and he grunted.

He picked me up. I felt his member rubbing me. I shivered. I could allready feel myself getting wet. I hear the water turning on. With me still wrapped around him we entered the shower and warm water soothed me. Almost making me fall asleep on him.

He let me down but the i felt his fingers in my lower area. He started rubbing my clit making me arch my back. "Your so wet baby." My breath was coming in pants. He kept rubbing me lovingly then harshly until i came on his hands. He took his hand off me making me miss his touch allready.

He started scrubbing my body with my apple body wash. He brought his lips close to my ear, "Dam. You smell so good. I want to eat you right here. Leave you burning for me to touch you." I shivered at his words. I whispered, "Then why don't you?" He chuckled, "I'm a gentlemen and old school baby. My parents taught me to only have sex after marriage." I smiled. I'm glad he was thinking straight because my mind was too blury that i didn't think of what i said. I blushed.

We stayed in there for a while letting the warm water along with the heat from our bodies relax us. When we got out, i was drying my hair. Then i remembered that we are going to see the boys. I wonder how he feels about it? I felt his hands taking the dryer from my hands and he staryed drying my hair. I giggled. "What is it?" I smiled, "I didn't know that you can dry hair?" He chuckled and spoke like he was offended but i knew he was being playful. "My little sister likes her hair dry after her showers becuase she doesn't like sleeping with her hair wet.

I smiled. "Are you nervous? About meeting the boys?" He turned off the dryer and held my cheeks, "No. Why should i be? I'll show them that i truly care about you. I will protect you and cherish you my cara(darling). I smiled and brought his face to me and kissed him. I still haven't put on clothes so i was naked in front of him. After a while we were panting.

I smiled. "I love your smile. Especially since I'm the reason your smiling." I laughed. I went to my suitcase to get and underwear and a bra. I was about to put on my underwear when i heard him groan then i was picked up making me squeel and thrown on the bed. "Why must you tease me." He staryed sucking my neck. Then went down leaving butterfly kisses on my neck to my chest. I gasped when his tongue liked my right nipple. His left hand started playing with my left. I started moaning when he began to suck. My lower area was getting hot.

His left hand carressed my body and while his tongue played with my right nipple his fingers started rubbing my clit. I moaned. I love this man. The way he makes me feel love. I love the way he says that he will cherish me.

I. I love him.

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