Chapter 18

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Alessandra's POV

You would think I'd get used to the pain. I try to block it out but the pain is too great.

I laid on the bed again after passing out yesterday or was it two days ago? I don't even remember.

I miss Massimiliano. I miss him so much. I miss his gentle touch. I miss the way he whispers sweet words in my ears. I miss him so much.

Massimiliano's POV

Its been two weeks! Two fu$*ing weeks since I've last seen my bambina. I haven't slept. How could I when she's out there somewhere probably hurt and afraid.

I hate this! I feel useless! It's as if my whole world has crumbled. I can't stand it! I want her in my arms! I want to kiss her and tell her how much i love her!

I'm pulling my hair in frustration. I haven't slept all week. I can't find the warmth of her body that i want to hold so very much.

I'm in love with her! I can scream out to the world! I can't take this! la mia bambina. dove diavolo sei?! (My bambina. Where the hell are you!)

Alessandra's POV

Where am i?

Why does my body hurt so much?! What's my name?

I move and there is pain between my legs. I feel pain on my body. I'm guessing that i have a lot of bruises. I feel my back. It's sticky. I sniff my hand and smell blood. Such a distasteful smell.

I have chains on my wrists and ankles. I feel myself only to figure out that I'm completely naked. Where am I? I try to move out of the bed and stand up but i end up falling as my legs start to shake.

I'm cold. I feel lost. I try standing up again only to fall once again. The third time i could stand up, my legs still shaky but not as much. I feel something wet coming down my thighs. I feel it and sniff it.

I fall to the ground. I know exactly what it is. I feel dirty. I curl myself in a ball, trying to remember what happened.

I hear a door open and i hear His voice. His footsteps come closer, "I see that you have woken up. I brought food. You have to eat to stay healthy enough. There is water as well." I shrink. I just want to dissappear and wake up, hoping that this is all just a nightmare.

I can't be here again! Was i really saved? Or was it just a dream?

His hand touches my face and i quickly move back, but that was a bad idea. He growls out and grabs a fistful of hair as he harshly drags me by my hair making me stand up and then throwing me on the bed. His voice was so close to my face that i could smell his foul breath making me gag, "YOU WILL OBEY MY EVERY WORD! I DONT GIVE A SH*T IF I HAVE TO PUNISH YOU IN ORDER TO MAKE YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE AND ALWAYS WILL BE MINE!"

He grabs my jaw and his lips crush mine. I smacked his face really hard that the sound echoed through the walls. It's quiet. I tremble in fear.

Then I'm all of a sudden being picked up and chained by my hands on the wall again.


I feel his voice near my ear, "You will learn to respect and obey me. I will make you forget that bastard you are with! You are mine. Even if i have to whip you a thousand times until you get it in that pretty little head of yours."

I tremble. I hear the gate door open and then close. Cold water is splashed on my back making me feel even colder. Then a painful scream escapes my lips as the whip and the cold water crash together. I want to give up yet I know that he will come.

I just hope that my body doesn't give up. I'll wait for you Jack.

I'll wait for you. I'll be strong. I promise.

I love you.

Massimiliano's POV

After weeks i finally found that bastard's hiding spot. I grab my gun and knives. I look at the guys as they get their weapons.

We look at each other and nod. We get in the car and speed to where my bambina is.

I'm coming babygirl. Just hold on a little longer.

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