Chapter 15

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Alessandra's POV

We walked through the streets. I could hear people laughing and chattering while we passed the restaurant's.  My hand was in Massimiliano's as we followed Emiliano. 

I felt Massimiliano's hot breath by my ear, "What are you smiling about principessa?" I smiled, "Your hand feels nice in mine. I can't wait for you to see my family! They can be overprotective, but in a loving way. Do i make sense?" He chuckled, "It's okay principessa. I understand what your trying to say. They love you so they tend to keep you safe."

I smiled. I love this boy so much.

Emiliano's POV

I watched my niece. How she would have a big smile while he holds her hand. How she would blush when he would whisper in her ears. I love how she's happy.

We kept walking until i see a shadow. I start walking slowly. I got closer to the shadow and then a fist goes directly to my face. I quickly dodge it, grabbed their arm and put it behind their backs.

I slammed him in the wall and put a knife to his throat. He chuckled, "Benvenuto a casa. Fratello." (Welcome home. Brother.) I smiled and let him go, "Grazie. Santino. How has everyone been doing?" "The boys and I have been depressed without our princess around."

I laughed, "Well. She's here with me right now." "SERIOUSLY! COME ON BRO WHERE'S MY SIS!" We turned our heads to the sound of laughter. Alessandra smiled, "Hello Santino." He rushes to her but then stops as he notices Massimiliano.

His muscles got tight. I could practically feel the overprotectiveness  coming from him. "Who are you? Why are you close to my sister? Get away from her before i blow your brains out." Well, here it starts. What are you going to do Massimiliano?

Alessandra's smile was turned to a frown. I didn't like my niece looking sad. Massimiliano stood protectively in front of her. Five more guys came behind them and tried taking her away, but Massimiliano punched them.

I watched them fight. Massimiliano said something to Alessandra and she runs, then stops and turns around. Her fists were balled up. She's going to burst at any moment.

I watched the guys fight him until i saw Giovanni, Antonio, Lorenzo, Domenico and Niccolo on their butts. I started laughing. They groaned but were laughing as well. Massimiliano looked confused at first then realized that they were the gang.

They got up smirking. They started shaking his hand along with a side hugg in a way. Giovanni spoke, "Welcome to the family. But hurt her and i won't hesitate to put a bullet through your head. I'm Giovanni."

Massimiliano shook hands with him then with the rest. Each introducing each other. They took Alessandra and hugged her then kissing her on the cheeks. Massimiliano put his arms around her waist. Hmmm. Overprotective or possesive? Either way as long as he doesn't hurt her in anyway and only makes her happy then I'm ok with him being with her. 

We went to the house to have a nice breakfast. The boys and i got out all the ingredients like bacon, eggs, milk, syrup and pancake batter.

Five minutes later

The kitchen was a mess. The boys argued how many eggs should go in the batter, while Massimiliano helped Alessandra mix the batter that they had made themselves.

I could see so much love in his eyes, yet i still want to make sure that its real. Family means everything to us. Losing my older brother was the worst feeling I've ever had. And with my only niece as blood family i want to make sure to leave her in good hands if anything were to happen to me.

We finally got breakfast done and sat down and ate while talking about what we've been up to in life. We were eating peacefully, but of course someone had to interrupt our family time.

There was a knock on the door. We got our guns just in case. Massimiliano took Alessandra upstairs and after a while came down with a gun in his hand.

I opened the door and quickly poinred our guns straight but there was no one. There was only a red rose with a note beside it. I stepped out pointing my gun in case the person was still there but there was no trace.

I turned around and the guys were reading the letter but their faces looked pissed, so I'm assuming that whatever the not says its not good.

I went over to them and looked at the note. I clenched my teeth

                 I will have her. She will be mine. I'll see you all very soon.

Massimiliano grabbed the note and teared it to shreds while breathing hard. He want back inside and i heard a load bang on the wall. I quickly went inside and saw that he punched the wall making a hole.

Domenico got close and put a hand on his shoulder, "It's allright man. We're going to protect her. He wont get near her at all."

Massimiliano turned and looked at us. His eyes held so much rage, "I don't want him even a foot near her. I will protect her with my life and i know that you guys will as well."

We nod and sat down thinking of a plan. We decided to keep this from her so she won't be stressed.

After an hour of looking for files or any trace of this Valter. Damn it! Just hearing his name makes me want to put a bullet through his skull.

After two hours we decided to rest. Massimiliano went upstairs straight to Alessandra. We went to our rooms and i laid on my bed. Closing my eyes i dreamed of my brother. If only i was there. Alessandra wouldn't have to worry about any of this.

Massimiliano's POV

I went upstairs and watched my principessa sleep. Not in a creepy way of course. I took off my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers. I slid under the blanket and wrapped my arms around her.

She snuggled closer to me. Her warmth and tiny body was comfortable. I kissed her forehead and kept looking at her until sleep took over.

This principessa is mine and mine only.

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