Chapter 3

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Alessandra's POV

I was walking counting my steps to my locker untill i hit a wall making me fall on my butt. "Ow." Who put that wall there?! My steps never fail me so what happened?! I heard a deep voice, "Watch where you going nerd!" I quickly looked up where the voice came from feeling a presence in front of me. Great. "Sorry. I didnt see you there?" "What are you blind!?" I quickly looked down i picked up my books but i couldnt find my glasses. Crap! "Are you looking for these?" I looked straight ahead. Should i tell him? NO! Thats a stupid idea. I cant tell him! "What are you talking about?" Oops did i say that out loud? "Yes. Now tell me." I straightened up and before i could think i answered, "No." I felt him get closer so close that i could feel his chest. I quickly backed up but he slowly snaked his arm around my waist. "No?Hmmmm....Who are you?" I stiffened at his question then all the names came back, MURDERER! KILLER! PITIFUL! MONSTER! I started shaking. I balled my fists and tried to push him away but he was too strong. I could literally feel the muscles that the shirt hid. "Checking me out?" I got out of my daze and used my real strength. I felt him stumble back with a gasp. I froze. Crap! I used my street fighting strenght! Crap! Crap! Crap! I was shaking and i could feel his stare on me. I heard him move closer again. I felt his large hand on my face making me flinch. "What are you so afraid of?" I let out a dangerous, emotionless laugh as i felt tears pricking my eyes but i blinked them away. I put on an emotionless face, "Nothing." " Your lying." I felt his breath by my ear making me stiff but he didnt seem to notice and if he did he didnt say anything, "And im going to figure it out.... nerd." I let out a breath that i didnt know i was holding when i felt his presence leave. But froze again when i heard his voice somewhere far, "See you later nerd."

Great. My life just had to get more complicated.

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