Chapter 9

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Alessandra's  POV


I can never forget.
I remember that color
I remember that pain
I can't breathe
It's like I'm under water
Save me
Oh no. He's back.
The weapon screech on the table
My hands are tied down
My back is bare
I feel his breath close to my ear
"Let's have some fun"
I thrash around
That's my first mistake
The monster brought down the blade
My body aches
Warmth i seek
I try to numb my self
But the coldness of the blade
Carving my skin
Making me feel pain
I hate HIM
I need to get away
I need to escape
I'm slowly losing consciousness
The haunting of his voice
I scream for savior
I scream for warmth
I scream for the pain to end
I beg him to stop
But my body gives away
The pain is too great
I feel numb.
I feel pain.
I hear the door open
A voice screaming my name
Untying me
I feel his warmth
As he held me close
The drops of water
As they fall on my face
Forgiveness he begs
For not finding me sooner
But i smile at the feeling of his warmth
I longed for his voice
He carries me out
But He yells my name
"Don't foget! I'll find you!
You are mine! Only mine!
Nothing can keep me away!
Run run as fast as you can
But I'll find you
You'll be mine!
You think you got away!
Stupid girl!
I'll find you!
Mark my words
Its not goodbye!
But untill i see you again!"
*Nightmare over*

"Alessandra!! Alessandra wake up! Principessa!! Wake up!" I sit up gasping for air to fill my lungs screaming thrashing around. Then two strong arms embrace me. I feel the sweat on my forehead. Begging me to calm down. "It's allright babygirl. Just breathe in and out. Thats it. Breathe baby girl. It's allright. I got you. Your safe. I got you."

Jack puts me in his lap rocking me. We sit there in silence. I feel him get off the bed with me still held tightly in his arms. I hear a door open. Then i shiver at the coldness as he sits me on top of the sink. His big warm hands cup my cheeks rubbing circles. We don't say a word as he starts wiping the sweat on my forehead and neck away with a cold wet towel. He kisses my forehead, but i don't like the cold. I seek warmth. The cold. It makes me remember. I whimper.

"Shhhh its okay. I won't let anything hurt you. I won't let anyone lay a finger on you. Mi principessa." I lean forward. My forehead on his chest. Seeking warmth. Anything to keep the coldness away. He wraps his arms around me. He carries me and lays me back on the bed with him still holding me. His bare chest is so warm. I push myself deeper. I want his warmth to swallow me as his arms tighten around my waist. Hearing him whisper before sleep hits me again, "Ti amo."


Jack's POV

I wake to the screaming from Alessandra. "PLEASE!! PLEASE STOP!! IT HURTS ! I'M BEGGING YOU!! PLEASE STOP! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I start screaming her name. "Alessandra! Alessandra wake up! Principessa!! Wake up!"

She starts gasping for air. I put her on my lap telling her to breathe. Promising her that its allright. That i won't let anything or anyone hurt her or lay a finger on her. She starts to calm down. She's sweating bullets so i carry her, holding her tightly to my chest. I carry her to the bathroom and put her on top of the sink. She whimpers. I know that she likes to feel her feet touching the ground but i caress her cheeks. Making soothing circles. She shivers. I grab a towel and soak it with cold water. I start wiping the sweat off her forehead and neck. We stay silent. Then i kiss her forehead.

She leans forward, her forehead touches my chest. I pick her back up and we go back to the bed. I pull her tightly as she presses herself to me. Like begging to hide. To get swallowed in me. I hold her tightly as her cold hands touch my chest making me shiver. I wrap the blanket around us trying to warm her up. Then the words come out automatically. As if they were made just for her, "Ti amo"

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