Chapter 8

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Jack's POV

I watched her as she slept. It probably looks creepy but i can't help it. Her beauty leaves me breathless. Her beautiful crystal silver eyes were mesmerizing. F##k. I'm falling hard for her. Her touch. Her skin. No words can explain the beauty that i see in front of me. I want her so bad. I want to stay by her side and make sure that she's allright. I want to take care of her. Make her feel loved. I want to make her miss me. Want me when I'm not by her side. Damn! I love her. I love this fragile stunning beautiful princess. My princess. She's all mine.
I closed my eyes and let sleep take me while i kept my arms around her like a shield. Before letting sleep take me, i whispered, "Ti amo principessa."


Alessandra's POV

I woke up to arms wrapped around me in a protective way. I slowly carressed his face. His soft snores were like music to my ears. When i feel like running for some reason he comes in my mind only to make me stay. I would risk everything for him. There are million shards of glass that haunt me from my past and my hope begins to shatter but having him in my arms make me forget everything. "Ti protégéro." I will protect you.

"Principessa?" His morning voice was so sexy. If only i could see him. If only i could see his face. I would take every inch of him, every shape. I hate them. I hate Him. He took everything from me. My family. My sight. He left me with scars and memories i desperately want to forget. But its like they are engraved in my mind. Just like the words. Just like the scars.

I was so caught up in my thoughts. I didn't hear him calling me. "-pessa? Principessa?" I looked at him and started feeling his face, "Sì?" "I asked, are you hungry?" "Oh. Yeah." I looked down then blushed deep red when i heard my stomach growl. Loudly may i add. I heard him starting to laugh. I buried my face in his chest. "I'll make you breakfast." He got off and i heard him close the bathroom door. I got up and opened the bathroom door to brush my teeth and wash my face. After i was done i got out and went downstairs. But like always i miss the last two steps and i fall flat on my face and let me tell you it hurt like a bitch.

I turned and laid on my back for a while. "Principessa?!" I heard him running down the steps. His voice was panicked, "What the hell happened?! Why didn't you wait for me?! You're bleeding from your nose?!" He panicked while quickly scooping me up and taking me back upstairs. He sat me on my bed. "Wait here." I nodded. "I'm serious." I smiled, "I heard you." I heard him looking for something on the bathroom then his footsteps coming closer to me. He started wiping the blood off my nose and the cut on my lip that i didn't feel untill he put some ointment on it. He then picked me up and went downstairs again. He put me on the counter. My feet dangled and i let out a whimper.

He took my chin between his fingers, "Hey. It's okay. I won't let you fall. I won't let you get hurt. I promise. Trust me." I smiled and nodded. He got out some dishes. I heard him opening the fridge then closing it. I sat there patiently, wondering what he was making until i felt a bowl on my lap, "Here. Help me stir the batter while i get the bacon." I started stirring the batter. I felt happy that i could help. I never got to do any of this with my parents. They left me too soon. "Why the sad face babygirl?" I felt his minty breath near my face. I voiced out my thoughts, "Nothing. It's just that...i wished i could have done this with my mom and dad. It's my first time." I put my head down in shame. I felt like a baby that is learning their first steps. I hated it. I don't want to feel weak. "Well i guess we will have to make great memories. This one will be your first. There will be plenty more memorable things. I'll make sure of it." I shook my head, "My first memorable unforgetting memory will be the first time when i first met you and Sarah." I blushed after i said that. He started to kiss me but we pulled away a little to quickly remembering the bacon and eggs that he was cooking. Good thing they didn't burn. After making the pancakes we sat at the table on a comfortable silence. I liked the feeling. It was warm. I picked up my fork but then got up. "What's wrong?" I went to the fridge, "I'm looking for the syrup." I felt around in my fridge, "Got it." I felt arms wrap around my waist then a kiss on my shoulder, "You know you could have asked me for it. I would have gotten it it for you." I smiled, "I know but i don't like feeling useless. I'm used to being independent." He turned me around and cupped my cheeks, "Let me pamper you mi principessa. I want to cherish you and do things for you that make you happy." I smiled, "You allready have made me very happy. I made my first pancakes. I'm having a beautiful breakfast with my boyfriend. I couldn't ask for anything better."

He kissed my lips. We started talking about ourselves as we ate. I learned that we had things in common. We both loved huskies. He said he had one before. A pitch black with blue eyes. I asked what happened and he said he died from old age. He had little sister that was ten years old. He spoke so fondly of her. I could tell that he loves her very much. I smiled. I couldn't tell him about my fighting though.

Yes i fight. Street fight. It sounds crazy. A blind girl fighting. During freshmen year i was messed up. I started getting in fights because of the name calling. David put me in self defense class but i used my skill for street fighting. I get good money out of it too. I wonder why he hasn't said anything about my abs? I mean I'm still the nerd and seeing me with abs is supposed to be a shocker right?

"Hey Jack?" We were done with our breakfast and now we were laying down listening to music. "Why haven't you asked me about how i have abs?" "Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep my eyes off you? Everytime you change your sexy abs make me want to take you and just make you mine." I gasped at the way he spoke. He spoke with lust in his voice. He sees the beauty that i can't see in myself.

He started nibbling on my neck, "Your so sexy." He started sucking on my neck making me moan. I loved the way he makes me feel. I stopped him before we go too far. We were gasping for air yet i missed his lips on me allready. We laid back down in a peaceful silence.

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