Here we go again

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     Note to self, know when your pokemon is jealous. Note number 2, acknowledge the feelings of said jealous pokemon.

     I walk back through the city to the entrance and set up camp there again. I sit in my tent to think about what I should do. If I try to use any other pokemon besides Ralts, her rage will be released. I also think about how it will affect anyone else who could be around. I want to keep people safe, away from her. Then again, if I use it against the gym leaders...My train of thought was disturbed by a call out. 

    "Hey Daniel, you in there? I want to talk to you". I look at my tents door and I crawl out and look up to see Kyle and I smile a bit. 

    "Hey Kyle, nice to see you again, what are you doing here and how did you know I was in this tent?", I said as I looked at him. He had some nice looking sunglasses on which made him look cooler than he already was to me.

    "I saw you set it up and i'm here to see the leader of the Devon corp. I work various jobs for the guy along with working with his son", Kyle said as he looked at the Devon corp building then back to me and smiled, "Anyway, I came here to challenge you to a battle". My fear quickly took over me. he came at a horrible time, if I battle Kyle now then he'll get hurt. I dont want my friend/rival to be wounded by something I cant control. I cant let that happen, my duty as a the next champion demands it. 

     "Listen Kyle", I say as I stand up and face him, "This is actually a bad time, my pokemon just recovered from their last battle and they're kinda tired so they need to rest-"

     "No you're pokemon need to train", Kyle interrupted me, "In order to make your pokemon stronger, they need to build strength and endurance. When your pokemon beg you to stop then that's when you stop". Hearing Kyle say that makes him sound like a pokemon slave driver, but judging by how strong his pokemon are then it must be an effective method to use to train. 

     " long can your pokemon train for?", I ask him since I'm still having doubts. 

    "The most they can do as a group is five weeks without stopping, but different times for different pokemon. Gallade can go 10". GALLADE CAN GO 10 WEEKS WITHOUT STOPPING TO REST WHEN TRAINING?!?. My admiration for Kyle grew. He's almost like the champion! Wait a second...

     "Uhm...Kyle, how come you have the potential to be the pokemon champion but never gained that title?"

    "You've never met the champion. when I was your age, my pokemon were weaker than they are now so being too overconfident i thought I could take him, hehe. Boy was I wrong, so having failed I spend my time training and word spread that you yelled out you were gonna be the next champion before you went into the gym", Kyle laughed. My mind went into shock. Kyle wasn't even around when that happened, that means that word has probably spread throughout Hoenn that I yelled that out. I shook my head to snap out of it. The only thing to do now is own up to it. I give Kyle a cocky smirk and point at myself with my thumb. 

     "That's right my smart rival, Daniel here is going to be the next pokemon champion of Hoenn", I smiled and I looked at him.

    "One shoe throw at a time", He smiles back. my confidence leaves my body and I sigh and rub the back of my head. 

     "Anyway Kyle, back to business, I accept your challenge. If your Pokemon are anything you make them out to be then they must be exceptional opponents to my strong pokemon. Be warned however, you might get hurt", I say that as a real warning and not because of my ego. Kyle just narrowed his eyes. 

    "Bring it!", Kyle said as he jumped back and sent out a Sceptile. Grass type, then I counter with fire! I then send out my Torchic. She must've been really scared since Sceptile only crossed his arms when she was sent out and she hid behind me. To be completely honest, I did not blame her one bit. I look at Torchic and smile to give her a form of confidence and she nods and jumps back out and has a look of determination to let Sceptile know that she's ready. I make her use ember which barely scratches Sceptile as he brushes off the embers themselves. What?! That should've been super effective! "Tell you what", Kyle said, "Since your pokemon are so weak compared to mine i'll let you go twice". Okay now he's starting to piss me off. People start to gather as they recognize Kyle for his deeds and me for my...humiliation, and want to watch the battle. I make Torchic use scratch and again it doesn't do much. Kyle makes his Sceptile use quick attack. I yell to Tor to dodge it, but its futile, she closes her eyes and so do I. I hear the sound of a slice and when I open my eyes, I see that the attack missed. I smile and yell to Tor to keep going but it seems she's frozen in fear. She must've opened her eyes right before Sceptile swung to see the attack go right by. I facepalm and return her, however Kyle returns Sceptile. I send out wingull and he sends out a Golem. This is good, he keeps using vulnerable pokemon. I make my Wingull fly up to the sky to be out of reach of Golem and I make Wingull use Watergun. He swooped down and blasted it and really pissed off the Golem. That must mean its working. I made Wingull do that again and Golem roared louder this time. Golem used Stone edge but missed. My Wingulls speed made him a hard one to hit. Except by telepathic waves of a rage induced pokemon. I kept up that same pattern and eventually took down Kyle's Golem. Kyle smiled and returned his pokemon and I did the same. He sent out his strongest one yet. His Gallade.

      This was it, to match that pokemon's strength I had to use her, I had to use Ralts. I could feel the aura from Ralts as I slowly moved my hand to her pokeball. My fear made me hesitate, I wasn't sure I could use her. Then all of a sudden something said, think of her a secret weapon. My eyes widened as I heard that and I smiled. I look up back to Kyle and he was frowning examining me hard. I sent out Ralts. Ralts let out her cute cry and I was confused. She wasn't insane anymore? Kyle's look didn't let up though, and before I could even use my turn he yelled out to Gallade who was already charging at us to use Psycho cut. I panicked and I yelled to Ralts to dodge, but she didn't listen, and kept smiling. She's doing it again, I knew this would happen. Then time slowed as Gallade took her last step before swinging her arm to hit Ralts. In a split second, Ralts teleported behind Gallade leaving Gallade shocked, but she quickly turned around. It was too late though, Ralts used confusion. Everyone watched as the purple rays came from Ralt's horn and worked their way to Gallade and I could feel tears start to form as I watched Gallade scream out in pain. I couldn't watch anymore. "Ralts, Stop!", I yelled and she did. 

     I wipe my eyes and I tell myself to learn to control her. If the pokemon I always wanted is going to be this way then I have no choice but to learn to deal with it. I made Ralts use growl to which she did. Gallade made an angry look at Ralts and then her horn started to glow. My eyes widened at this. My Ralts wasn't the only pokemon who gets this way? Kyle then walked over to Gallade and pet her head. Gallade then took many deep breaths and crossed her arms. 

     "Hey Daniel, we forfeit, you win this time", he said as he smiled happily at me. He then turned to Ralts and whispered something to her. This made Ralts' horn glow red as well and I walk over quickly and I look at her a bit angrily which made her calm down. Kyle hands me some money as a result of the loss and whispers to me, "A bit of advice Daniel, dont fear your pokemon's power. Accept it and love it for what it is, it could save your life one day. Remember that". He then turns and walks to Rustboro and the small crowd that gathered to watch the battle disperses. I turn to Ralts who's looking away from me and I pet her head. I might as well use what he said and take it to heart. Surprised, Ralts looks up at me. "You did a good job Ralts, I'm proud of you", I say smiling to her. She smiles back and nods. 

                                               Kyle...I'm sorry...for everything that happened...

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