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"(Y/n), you've already cleaned the house six times, I'm pretty positive you didn't forget anything." Ari said for the eleventh time as she stuffed popcorn in her mouth.

"Well if you would quit making messes I wouldn't have too," I said as she dropped two pieces of popcorn onto the floor.

"Aiden isn't gonna care if there's dust on the counter."

"No but he's gonna judge and if I give him things to judge about, like our place being dusty, he's gonna say I shouldn't have moved here."


"Shit!" I cursed as I already could mentally see Aiden picking out everything wrong with just our lounge alone.

"(Y/n), dude, it's okay. I'll clean up my popcorn mess you get the door." She smiled as she got up and picked up the popcorn off the floor.

I smiled back with a strain and walked to the door, every nerve-rattled against my bones like a bullet ricocheting throughout my body. His words from our fight replayed in my head. Although we had talked since the fight and he apologized, things just haven't been the same.

I gripped the cold metal and turned the handle. I was making opening a door a lot more dramatic than needed but it had been so long since we were face to face. I pulled the door open and smiled at my brother unintentionally but completely genuinely.

His words still spun around in my head but I had missed him so much. Aiden smiled the same and just stared at me.

He smelt like peppermint and cologne with a mix of BO, I imagine he didn't stop at his hotel to shower after his long flight. His dark brown hair brushed under his ears, much longer than the last time I had seen him. The same freckles that barely show on me, parade over his nose and sit on his cheeks very delicately. He towers over me, almost as tall as Dan but no quite. His emerald eyes dance over my features as he takes in everything that's changed about me.

I wonder what he see's.

I cut my hair once I left. It used to hover right above my waist but I cut it to my shoulders last year, and now it's to my forearms. I wonder if he sees the little things that change or if he still sees me as a little kid with crooked teeth and glasses that are too big for my face.

I watched his smile get wider and the wrinkles on his face become more visible. "(Y/N/N)" He mumbled under his breath as he pulled me in for a tight hug. I flinched at first but instantly hugged him back. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Aiden," I said as I pulled away from his warm embrace to look him in the face once more. I was scared that if I took my eyes off him he'd disappear. I didn't know what to say from here. How've you been? Crazy weather? I kept forming different scenarios and different conversations I could spark to life but when I opened my mouth nothing came out.

"Aiden?!" I heard Ari's cheerful and life-saving voice from behind me. "That can't be you! Last time I saw you, you had a unibrow and a crush on the head cheerleader." She laughed.

"Yeah and your extensions weren't blended and neither was your make-up. Also, I'm engaged to the head cheerleader." Aiden smirked at Amari. Amari skipped past me and pulled Aiden in for a tight hug. She jumped out of his arms, still smiling. "Been a while," She looked down to her feet then over to me.

"yeah, yeah," He said, sounding disappointed. I couldn't tell if it was disappointed in me of in himself. "How've you two been?" He smiled and trailed his eyes over to me. The question was more for me than Ari.

"U-uh," I tried to get out. "Peachy," I didn't want him to ask any more questions, I wanted him to leave honestly, I wanted things to go back to how they were but I had given up on that a long time ago. So now, I just wanted him to leave.

"So-" Aiden started but my phone interrupted with its loud ringtone from the other room.

"Sorry," I said quietly and raced back to the lounge. Ready to thank the owner of the call for ending the awkward family reunion. I checked the caller ID and saw Dan's name across the bright screen. I debated for a second but soon after I answered the call.

"Hey!" I said in my best cheerful tone. I looked back towards the kitchen, which you have to go through to get to the entrance of the house. The rooms are set up bad, but Amari lived here before me and I didn't choose the place.

"Hey, Hi! U-um, Aiden is coming over in a bit and I was wondering if you wanted to get lunch with us?"

"No. I m-mean, not like that- it's just, I can't."

"Oh?" Dan said with disappointment riddled into his voice.

"It's not because I just- I haven't told him we've been hangi-"

"Dating?" Dan interrupted, I couldn't help but let a smile on my face erupt. I stayed quiet for a minute trying to form the words. I was honestly caught off guard, yes we had gone on a couple dates but dating? Wow.

"Yeah, dating." My cheeks flushed red as I said the words. "I will tell him but just not-"

"No! I get it don't worry, but you could buy me dinner to make up for it?" I could hear his smile through the phone.

"That's very greedy, Howell." I said sarcastically, "but whatever you say, my treat."

Dan and I chatted for a while before I hung up and went back into the room with my brother and my best friend. I was in a better mood and was genuinely excited to see how this visit with Aiden was going to go.

"Hey! Sorry, my friend was calling me." I looked over to Amari who's eyes were on me, her face drowning in guilt and pity. I looked over to Aiden's who's face was red like a tomato and I could see his jaw pressing so hard together I thought he was gonna explode. "Wh-what's the mat-"

"You're fucking Dan Howell?"


(A/N)- (longer than the actually story and cheeky as hell)

okay I agree I'm an asshole, why does it take me three years to update? Only God knows.

No, just kidding I procrastinate and Watch Dexter fight me about it

plzplzplzzpzlzplz leave one of those lil favorite/star things or a comment if you think this stories ok but if you don't, do it anyway because then I'll think you like it and I'll be the fool (#shamelessselfpromo(1))

Also if you're feeling in the mood for gay, fluffy, angsty, gay you should check out Breanna and I's 'Phan one-shots'!!! It's on her account woohoo secretlyhomicidal (#shamelessselfpromo(2))

Thank you for reading this mess of a fanfiction it'll get better soon even though I promise that all the time! See you the next time I update in three years!!!! (Kill me)

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