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(Slight smut, implied smut)

Never have I been as warm as lying on Dan's couch. His clothes, his smell, his arms all wrapping around me. Two soft blankets covered us keeping us warm from the lack of heat in his apartment. Dan was sitting up and I was lying in between his legs with my head near the crook of his neck.

A movie that I have forgotten the name of was playing but how could I focus on anything else besides Dan?

"Maybe you should take a picture, it'll last longer," Dan smirked without even looking down at me, he then shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"That's a lame come back," I retaliated with a slight blush on my cheeks.

Dan laughed but ignored me. "Well, it is only four, what would you like to do?"

I smiled confidently before flipping over and inching myself up so my legs were hanging over his hips. Dan's eyes widened in surprise before stars appeared in his eyes, turning into constellations spelling out 'lust'. I flipped all my hair to one side and started kissing a slanted line from his jaw to his ear. "Can we play Mario cart?" I whispered only inches from his ear, I felt him tense under me as one of his hands land on my thighs. My teasing clearly taking an effect on him.

"No way in hell are we playing Mario Cart now," Dan said before grabbing my hips. He pulled me back gently before kissing my lips eagerly. I smiled into the kiss as I returned the same movement, my fingers tangled in his hair and his hands fell on my ass as he lifted me up off of him and laid me down on the couch. Dan didn't break the kiss as he laid between my legs. He pulled his lips from mine and kissed a trail from my jaw to the bottom of my neck, sucking hard when he got to his destination. I hummed at the feeling and prayed his lips left a mark. Dan sat up and stared at me. His eyes almost trying to memorize my features, where my body curves, how long my hair falls down to, how I'd look undressed under him.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I smirked.

"Har-Har" he smiled. He quickly leaned back in and placed a quick kiss on my lips, then sat back up and ran his hands under my shirt. Every inch of skin he touched sent flames into my core and arose goosebumps all over me. Dan gripped the bottom of my shirt then looked up at me for consent.

My body trembled as his eyes looked into mine. I started to worry about my body and how it would look to him without his beer goggles on. I quickly consented, though, my insecurities no match for the need of his hands all over my body.

Dan pulled his shirt off of me. The warmth of the fabric gone but quickly replaced by Dan's body on mine and his lips reattached to mine. I put my hand on his neck, my fingers accidentally finding his pulse and feeling his heart beat erratically.

I moved my hand up to his jaw and gently pushed him back. He quickly pulled back, worry in his eyes as if he's done something wrong.

"Do you wanna move this..." I said, trying to leave him a hint. He didn't get it. "I mean this is yours and Phil's couch do you wanna like-"

"oh, Oh! Yeah, we can go upstairs." Dan jumped off me and grabbed my hand, pulling me up. He led me up the stairs and into his bedroom. He opened the door for me and I went directly to sit on his bed. Dan walked in, closed the door, and locked it. Chills ran down my spine.


"Hey, baby?" Dan whispered, interrupting the silence. Our bodies tangled under the sheets and my head rested on his chest. Accidentally hearing his heartbeat again but it was soothing. Relaxing, as I listened to it slow back down.

One Night Stand- (Dan Howell x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now