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~Dan's POV~

What do I say?

What do I do?

(Y/n)'s beautiful eyes looked up at me through her lashes. Tears stained her cheeks and doubt filled the room.

She was so strong and here she is, breaking in front of me. Me of all people and I have no idea what to do. I let a smile drape over my face and a small chuckle fell out. She squinted her eyes as her face filled with confusion.

"Okay," I said quietly. "But that's only a part of you. Don't expect me to judge you based on one part of life. Yeah, okay fine you may be a-an alcoholic but that's not who you are." I said, trying to spit out the only wisdom I had. I smiled a bit wider, "You're still the same person, the same amazing person."

She pursed her lips.

wiped her eyes.


Sometimes she's too strong, like a wall. I wish she'd realize she doesn't have to be. She doesn't have to build up a new, a stronger wall every time she gets hurt. She just needs to be. I held her cheek and wiped her cheek, ridding her of the tears she missed. I concentrated on the faded freckles that danced on her cheeks. I could only see them barely, just because I was so close to her.

I could feel her breath, hitched and nervous.

"Do you wanna tell me about that bruise then?" I stroked her cheek with my thumb, watching her eyes carefully, always making sure she was still comfortable.

"My dad," she strained, my eyes widened. "He has a problem with his anger..." She shook her head out of my hand and replaced my touch with her own, as she held her hands over her face and pushed her hair back. Seeing her, seeing her delicate face stained with black and blue bruises and a deep gash was overwhelming. How the fuck could anyone do that to her? How the fuck could her own father do that to her?

"You're kidding, right?" I felt my blood boil, my heart stop. I felt like I was standing on train tracks and her words had rushed right over me. 

"He got in a car accident with his... his wife and he lashed out, it's nothing that hasn't happened before." 

"And that makes it okay?" 

"Well, no..." She said and looked down to her hands. "But I'm not going back there. I just had to say goodbye to my mom." 

"You guys aren't close?" 

"Uh we were, she died when I was a kid. I went to her grave to say goodbye." 

"Oh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have-" 

"No it's okay, I'm okay. I shouldn't have gone back." 

"(Y/n), it's not your fault" I tried to soothe, tried to get her to realize that she doesn't have to blame herself. 

~Your Point of View~

I looked down to the carpet and examined it deeply to try and keep the tears in my eyes for once. I could feel Dan's eyes on me and sensed the worry in his voice every time he spoke up. 

Before I could say anything to try and make this better I heard a knock on the door. I sighed, not really in relief but at least it gave me a second to get it together. "Sorry, one second." Dan nodded and I headed over to the door. "Who is it?"

"It's Aiden, (Y/n/n), I need to apologize." I heard my brother's voice through the door. Before I could think it through, before I remembered the huge bruise covering most of my face I made a huge mistake, I opened the door. "What the fuck happened to your face?" 

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