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I continued walking down the streets and around town. November has pretty much just begun and even though there's only a small section of thanksgiving decorations in every store, the holiday was coming close. All the streets were already decorated for the winter holidays, even though They are still a month away. As I walked by a cardboard cut out of a snowman that sang when it's motion detector went off, I just wasn't in the holiday spirit. I wasn't looking forward to telling Amari I got fired. If she knows, she won't be able to stop living with me because she'll be scared I won't be able to live on my own.

I hope Aaron will hire me. It scares me not having a job, I grew up going to highschool and working as many jobs as possible just to keep the electricity on. Going back to that constant fear is really toying with my mind. I don't feel bad for myself, yes, growing up like that was hard but it motivated me to get through school, move to England, have the confidence to get where I am today.

I see the world as if it was split in two. When life throws you a curveball, you can either let it hold you back and define you or learn from it. I do my best to learn from it. I'm far from perfect though, even when I'm trying to do my best I still can be bitter. Right now, I want to cry and scream but I'm trying not to get emotional about things I can't control. So much is just constantly going through my head and I'm really confused.

I finally circled back to where I had started, I walked up to Amari's car and right away stepped into a puddle. I groaned and hopped into the driver's side. I let out a sigh before shoving the key into the ignition and starting my drive home. I rehearsed what to say to Amari a couple times. 'Heya Ari, why am I home early? Glad you asked. Well, I got fired!!" but all of my attempts ended in her possibly yelling so I thought it was best if I just winged it.

When I got home I jumped out of the car and walked towards the building as slow as possible. When I finally unlocked the door about five minutes had passed. I felt chills tickle my spine and my body shook as I stood in front of the door.

I opened the door and headed into the living room. I didn't expect Amari to be home, the night before she had told he she was going to go hang out with her friend Angie. Even though I know she wasn't home the same fear still rode on my back that she would be disappointed in me. I felt like someone tied six stones to my back and expected me to walk six miles.

I threw the keys to Amari's car onto the couch and headed into my room. I sighed as I saw an empty canvas on my desk that I only had one more day to complete before I needed to turn it into the museum. I went over to my bed to find my computer to look for some art inspiration on tumblr. After throwing every blanket and pillow off of the bed looking for my laptop. I came to the conclusion that Amari had probably stolen it ever since she spilled coffee on her laptop in the bathtub. (Long story). Since my computer wasn't on Amari's couch nest I expected it was in her old room that she started sleeping in again since it's more comfortable then the couch.

I walked over to Amari's room and opened the door, expecting her not to be there. Except I probably should've knocked.

When I opened the door I saw my computer sitting on the side table next to the bed. After that, even though there was barely any light besides three candles dangerously close to my laptop on the bedside table. It was easy to figure out Amari was in her bed.

Along with my brother.

"Oh my god," I practically screamed as I threw my hands over my face. Images, questions, and assumptions attacking my brain.

"(Y/n)! W-what are you doing home?!" Amari shouted back. Aiden rolled off of her and looked at me with terror.

"Leaving, now!" I left the room and slammed the door behind me. Shock filled my body as I walked back into the living room and started going through the couch cushions to find the keys. "Ugh," I mumbled as I forced my entire arm into the couch and started grabbing at loose things at the bottom. When I heard Amari leave her room I stood up straight.

One Night Stand- (Dan Howell x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now