~ Chapter 5 ~

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Mini's PoV

       Wildcat and I arrive at the quest board, both of us panting like dogs. All of the guys are all standing there, laughing at us. "Damn guys, you two look like you just ran a marathon!" Terrorizer comments with a laugh. I'd give him a death stare, but he can't see my eyes so I simply flip him off instead. The guys all laughed as Terrorizer stops. "Fuck you too!" He curses playfully.
       "Alright, alright! Calm down, my children! We need to pick a good paying quest!" Vanoss announces, holding a hand in the air to silence us. We all huddle around the quest board, reading off which quests we could possibly complete to gain XP and money.

Giant Spider Boss terrorizing Dark
Wood Swamp!

Reward for Kill: 2,500 XP and 350 cash

Difficulty: Normal

Enormous Orc Boss worries the people of North Wood's Village

Reward for Kill: 3,500 XP and 500 cash

Difficulty: Hard

Trolls guarding Eastern Bridge

Reward for Kill: 1,000 XP and 100 cash

Difficulty: Easy

       "So boys, which one do we want?" Vanoss asks the group. "Can we not do the spider one?" Moo questions with the look of fear in his eyes. "Why? You afraid of spiders?" Terrorizer asks with an eyebrow raised. "Yes. That's exactly why I don't want to. I have Arachnophobia." Moo answers, scratching the back of his head with embarrassment. "Oh! Okay, well let's not do the spider one." Terrorizer announces, patting Moo on the back.
       "But the Troll one won't give us enough cash and experience to sustain the guild." Nogla points out. "Well, we could always do the Orc one. It shouldn't be that hard since we have ten people against one." Marcel states, looking around at us for conformation.
"Yeah! Let's do a hard one!" Lui squeaks with a cheeky smile on his face. The gang giggles before looking to Vanoss for approval. "Yeah, let's do it. It shouldn't be too difficult since there's several of us." He says, earning cheers and whoops from the guys. "Alright! Lets go!" Wildcat exclaims, grabbing the quest off of the board and inserting the location into his mini map.

*Timeskip to when the guys reach North Wood Village*

       "Alright, we need to find the quest keeper and accept the Orc quest before we can go out to kill the Orc." Vanoss announces as he leads our group through the merchant center. Passing players and NPCs stare at us with curiosity as we make our way to the quest board in hopes of finding the quest keeper nearby.
       Once we find the quest board, we see an old man with a look of fear plastered on his wrinkled features standing next to the board. "Excuse me, sir. Do you happen to know where the quest keeper is?" Moo asks the man politely. The man looks up at us with hope-filled eyes. "I'm the quest keeper! Are you here to accept a quest?!" He asks. "Yes, sir." Moo answers with a smile.
       The NPC squeals with joy and jumps in the air excitedly. "Let me see the quest you wish to accept." The man says while holding out his hand. Wildcat hands him the paper, causing the man's eyes to widen. "You're going to kill the Orc for us?!" He asks in disbelief. We all nod our heads and he gives us a big, cheeky grin. "The quest is yours!" The mans says before something appears in the chat.

Banana Bus Crew has accepted a quest!

"Here's the location. Once you kill the Orc, bring back one of his horns as proof." The quest keeper says before handing us a tiny slip of paper. Marcel takes it and reads it aloud. "The Northern Swamps." He says. "Yes! Now hurry up and kill that wretched beast!" The NPC exclaims. Marcel inserts the location in his mini map and walks off, the rest of us following closely behind him.

*Once they reach the forest*

"Guys, I think we're lost." Nogla says nervously, frantically looking around. "I put the location in my mini map! We can't be lost!" Marcel says as he leads the group through the dark, creepy forest. "Marcel, you inserted the location of the forest into the mini map. You didn't insert the location of the Orc." Vanoss states with a laugh. "Oh... Well shit. I guess we are lost." Marcel says while scratching the back of his neck.
Terrorizer and Nogla both stop in their tracks and sniff around. "Do you smell that, Nogla?" Terrorizer questions before turning to face his fellow werewolf. "Yeah, do you hear that?" He answers to which Terrorizer nods. "What is it, guys?" Delirious asks worriedly. "I-I think we're close. I can smell rotten flesh and swamp water." Terrorizer states while looking around. "Good doggies! Now lead the way, boys!" Lui squeaks with excitement. Terrorizer and Nogla both whip their heads towards him and growl before running ahead of the group and following their enhanced senses.
As we run through the forest, both Nogla and Terrorizer stop again. They sniff around and look to the right. "We're here." Nogla says loud enough for only us to hear. We all nod and follow the two werewolves into the bushes to hide and look for the Orc.
"Ew, this place wreaks of blood and Orc sweat." Terrorizer complains, bringing his hand up to his face and covering his nose. What? I can hardly smell anything. I guess it's because he's a Werewolf and I'm an Elf. "Shut the fuck up and deal with it, Terrorizer. If you keep whining the Orc is going to hear you!" Nogla scolds him, earning an inhuman groan from behind us. All of our eyes widen as we turn around to face a giant, angry Orc. "Uh oh." Droidd mutters.

("Uh oh." Lmao! Well, I hope you guys can forgive me for not updating in a while! If you liked the chapter please make sure to let me know so I know to continue the book! Thanks for reading my shit!)

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