~ Chapter 22 ~

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       He turns me around and cuts the ropes from my wrists. "W-Why are you here..?" My voice trembles as he lifts me from the ground and makes me face him. "Craig..." He draws out, staring into my confused eyes. "Why didn't you just show me from the beginning?" He asks, his hands planted firmly on my shoulders. "I-I-I didn't want you to be disappointed. I wanted to be your friend and I didn't think you would if I showed you." I stutter while staring down at my feet.
       Suddenly, I feel a pair of welcoming arms encase my body. I gasp in surprise before relaxing in his embrace. "Calm down, dipshit. You're starting to sound like Droidd with your stuttering. I could never be disappointed in you. If anything, it made me happier when I realized you're... Ya know... You." Wildcat reassures me as he rubs comforting circles in my back. "Why? You've hated me all of these years, why would you be happier?" I ask sullenly.
       Tyler pulls back from the hug to look me in the eyes. "I wish I could tell you... Now c'mon, we need to get out of here." Wildcat says, grabbing my hand and dragging me out the door. The sound of yelling and spell casting fills my ears and he leads me through the halls of the Warfstaches' base.
"Where the fuck do you two think you're going?! You can't have Mini back until we get our XP back!" A familiar voice rings shouts from behind us. We stop and turn around to see Felix and Cry standing there triumphantly. Tyler growls as I simply stand there, unable to move.
Wildcat growls and pulls his bow and arrows out. Cry and Felix do the same with their classes, giving us wicked grins. "Keep running Craig, the exit isn't far from here. Just go straight down this hall and take a few rights. You'll know the exit when you see it." Tyler instructs me. "No! I'm not letting you fight alone!" I counter with a stomp. "It's a video game, Mini! I'll respawn back at the house! Just fucking run!" Wildcat demands while shooting a few arrows at Felix and Cry. "If Cry and Felix don't kill you I'm going to kill you when you get back." I huff. Tyler dodges a few attacks and looks back at me with a heart warming smile. "I'm looking forward to it..." He says sincerely. I let out a small laugh before booking it, following Tyler's directions.

Wildcat's PoV

"You two make me want to puke!" Cry exclaims as he charges at me with his dagger. I slide out of the way only to be pounced on by a hellhound. Felix snaps his jaws at me, his sharp teeth forming a smile. I quickly grab one of the arrows from my quiver and shove it into Felix's gut, pushing him off of me. He let's out a yelp and falls to the floor, changing back into a human. "You fucker!" Cry growls as a sharp pain erupts in my stomach. Cry twists the knife in my gut, making me squeal in pain.
He pins me to the nearest wall, the knife still buried inside of me. "Once Sean and Mark are finished with your friends, they're going to get Craig and your little group will have no choice but to pay us back." Cry growls in my ear. I growl back, gritting my teeth in pain.
Suddenly, Cry and Felix's player models start to pixelate. "Wait, what's going on?!" Cry asks in confusion as he and his boyfriend slowly start to disappear. Once they vanish, text appears in the game chat.

Player Cryaotic has been banned from the server for 1 month!

Player Pewdiepie has been banned from the server for 1 month!

Player Markiplier has been banned from the server for 1 month!

Player JackSepticEye has been banned from the server for 1 month!

       I smile as I feel myself start to slowly pixelate. Fina-fucking-lly! I thought they were actually going to win for a second there... Now everything can go back to normal, and we can start having fun again without having to worry about any assholes ruining it all...

Mini's PoV

       I smile when I read the chat. Finally, they're gone. I look over at what's left of the group. Vanoss, Delirious, Basically, Moo, Terrorizer, and Nogla. Wait... Where's Tyler?! "Guys! Where's Wildcat?! The fight's over! Shouldn't he be out here?!" I exclaim with worry. I swear if he died I'm going to kill him! "Hold on a sec. Let me check the guild vitals." Vanoss says as he opens something in his chat. "It says Cry killed him, but he inflicted 90% damage on Felix." Vanoss explains. My heart drops, my entire body trembling with anger and worry. I know he can respawn, but he can still  feel the pain! I hope he's okay!
       "Can we please hurry up and go home?! I need to check on Wildcat!" I ask in one breath. "Yeah, just teleport to him." Vanoss states. I quickly open my chat and send him a teleport request. He immediately accepts it, making me disappear and reappear in his room.
       "Welcome home, Mini~" Tyler chirps happily. I ignore him and quickly pull him into a hug, checkin him for any injuries. "Calm your tits, Craig. My injuries heal before I respawn." He reassures me with a smile. "Good!" I say before pulling away and delivering a hard smack to his unsuspecting face. "Ouch! What the fuck was that for?!" He squeaks in surprise, rubbing where I slapped him. "For scaring me you oblivious prick!" I growl before grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss. Wildcat gasps in surprise before smiling and kissing back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrap my arms around his neck, letting my eyes close. He's kissing back... He loves me back...

(And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the end of book one~ Look out for book two!)

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