~ Chapter 13 ~

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Mini's PoV

       I park in the parking lot of the convention center and stare at it in awe. This place is so fucking huge!!! Evolution has only been out for a week and the game makers already have enough money to hold a convention for it! How am I supposed to find the guys in this place?! It's nine needles in a huge fucking haystack!
       I get out of the car and lock the door before pulling my phone out of my hoodie pocket. I notice that I was added to a group chat and decide to join it.

Wildcat: This place is huge! How the fuck are we supposed to meet up?!

Vanoss: I already found Nogla and Lui. Meet us at the update center.

Wildcat: Okay, I'm on my way :p

MiniLadd: Hi guys, what did I miss?

Vanoss: Welcome to the party, Mini :3

MiniLadd: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm in the parking lot. How do I get to the update center?

Vanoss: Text us when you're in and we'll tell you.

MiniLadd: M'kay

       I turn my phone off and make my way towards the entrance. Since I'm a little late, the lines have died down. I approach the security check and place my phone in the basket. The security guard slides my phone down the metal table and signals for me to walk through the metal detector. A green light flashes, showing that I'm clear.
       "Tell me your username." The guard orders. "MiniLadd." I answer timidly. The man grabs a card attached to a lanyard and pulls out a sharpie. He writes my username down and hands it to me. "Don't take this off until you're ready to leave. You won't be aloud to enter or participate in anything without it." The man says before handing it to me. I nod and hang it around my neck before pulling the hood over my head.
       I walk into the convention center and pull my phone out of my pocket. I reopen the group chat and join.

Terrorizer: I think I see you guys! Are you standing in the update center?

Vanoss: Yes! Now we're only missing Mini, Delirious, Moo, and Marcel.

MiniLadd: I'm in. Now where do I go?

Vanoss: Just stay there. We're sending Wildcat after you.

MiniLadd: Ok

       I turn my phone off once again and stuff it in my pocket. I look around for the familiar 6'4 giant and smile when I see a head sticking up out of the crowd. I hide my card in my hoodie and walk over to him. I tap his shoulder to get his attention, and he turns around. Tyler looks down and raises an eyebrow at me.
       "Yes?" He questions in confusion. I smirk and pull my card out from inside of my hoodie. "Mini?!" Wildcat gasps before pulling me into a bear hug and lifting me into the air. I yelp at the sudden movement and laugh. "It's nice to see you too." I giggle with a small blush. He sits me back down and scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Sorry about that..." Wildcat chuckles. I giggle again before rolling my eyes even though he can't see them. "Just take me to the update center." I say playfully.

*Time Skip to when they find the guys*

       "Wildcat! Wait, who's that?" Marcel asks. They must've found everyone while Tyler and I were messing around at the entrance. "Maybe if you read his card you'd know." Wildcat jokes, pointing at the card that's hanging on my neck. He looks at the card and gasps in surprise. "Oh! Hi, Mini!" He giggles. I give him a small wave before hearing a symphony of different ringtones, including my own. We all pull out our phones and read the text.

H2ODelirious: I see you guys ;*

Terrorizer: Where the fuck are you, ya creepy bastard! Everyone is here but you!

H2ODelirious: I don't know, I guess you'll have to find me ;p

Vanoss: How?! This place is huge!

H2ODelirious: I know, but I'll show you my face if you find me ^-^

Vanoss: DEAL!!!

       Vanoss turns his phone off and runs over to me. "Mini! You know what he looks like, right?! Sniff him out!" Vanoss orders, grabbing my shoulders and shaking me violently. "Calm your tits, Vanoss! If you want someone to sniff him out, you need to go to Nogla or Terrorizer." I say, readjusting my glasses from underneath my hood. "The fuck? Did you just pick your nose or some shit?" Nogla teases. "No! I didn't! I was readjusting my glasses, you fuck!" I exclaim with a pout. "So you have glasses~" Wildcat buts in. I cross my arms and look away from him.
       "Shouldn't we be looking for Delirious?!" I ask. "Yes! We should! Now onward, Mini! Go get em'!" Vanoss demands with a laugh. I flip him off before searching through my contacts on my phone. I stop on Delirious' and press the call button. A ringtone echoes through the crowd nearby, revealing Del's location. "Follow the ringtone!" I shout as the sound of the ringtone gets fainter.
       We run after the sound until I see a blue blur walk into the hallway that leads to the bathrooms. "There!" I shout while running after the blue blur, the guys on my tail. Vanoss catches up to me and runs by my side. "Did you see him?!" He asks between pants. I slow myself down to a walk, the guys doing the same. I point at the figure in the blue jacket before messaging Delirious.

MiniLadd: Turn around <3

       The person's phone vibrates, so he stops to check it. He tenses and slowly turns around to see all of us standing there. I lean over to Vanoss and smile. "Go get em', tiger." I whisper in his ear. Vanoss smirks and takes off, tackling the mystery man to the ground. The rest of us run over to them and laugh at the struggling Delirious. "Why hello there~ I don't know why, but I feel like we've been in this position before~" Vanoss teases. "Yeah, and you're still a fat fuck!" Delirious wheezes while squirming underneath Vanoss' weight.
       "We found you, fair and square, so you get to show us your face." Vanoss states. Delirious let's out a sigh before nodding. Vanoss smiles and pulls his hood off to reveal the same electric blue eyes, dark brown hair, and light brown freckles as I saw a few days ago. "Hi..." Delirious laughs nervously, his face red with embarrassment.

(Delirious has shown his face to the crew! I wonder how this will affect Vanoss' feelings ;3)

(P.S. I'm going to edit this tomorrow since I promised to talk to my friend today)

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