~ Chapter 16 ~

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Mini's PoV

Vanoss and Delirious charge the Warfstaches' leader, Markiplier while Lui and Nogla take on Cryaotic. Pewdiepie lunges at Terrorizer, so both he and Marcel fight back, leaving me to handle JackSepticEye on my own seeing as though we need Moo and Droidd to stay back in case one of us gets wounded.
He sends several arrows my way, which I barely dodge. I send some of my most powerful spells his way. He manages to dodge all of them easily. "You're so weak! Why don't you just go ahead and give up to save you the trouble. Besides, Tyler, or as you call him Wildcat, isn't worth being humiliated in front of every Evolution player." Jack scoffs, skimming my cheeks with one of his arrows.
"You're right. He's worth much more." I growl, hitting him with an exhaustion spell. He stumbles a bit, but quickly recovers with an evil grin. "Oh really? Is that so. Well what are you going to do when you lose him after this battle is over." Jack laughs, taking three arrows out of his quiver. "Nothing because I'm not going to lose him." I answer bluntly, dodging two of the arrows and taking one to the shoulder.
I grit my teeth and fall to my knees, hearing a familiar, worried voice call my name from the crowd. I give Wildcat a quick smile before standing up and glaring at Jack from underneath my hood. He squints in attempt to get a glimpse of my face, so I take this opportunity to strike. A golden light engulfs my hand as I charge at Jack, upper cutting him and depleting the remainder of his health. His player model shatters, a booming sound emitting from the speakers. "Player JackSepticEye has been slain by player MiniLadd!" The announcer says in shock.
I smile and turn to look at Tyler. I give him a thumbs up before I make my way over towards Moo and Droidd. Droidd already has his hands full with Basically, so I walk over to Moo. He gives me a warm smile, his hands already glowing a brilliant blue.
He yanks the arrow out of my arm, making five percent of my health go down before he places his healing hand on it. I feel a warm, comforting sensation crawl throughout my body as my health bar goes up significantly, leaving me with ninety nine percent health. He giggles as he touches the wound on my cheek, bringing me back to one hundred percent health.
I thank him with a high five before running over to Terrorizer to give him a helping hand since Marcel is still being healed. Terrorizer is a little under half health, so he'll probably have to be healed soon. Pewds leaps into the air, his wings lifting him up higher. He pulls a large dagger out of it's sheath and holds it out in front of him, letting his wings disappear so he can dive downwards.
I gasp when I realize what he's doing. "Terrorizer, look out!" I exclaim, running towards my friend in hopes of saving him. Just as I'm about to shove him out of the way, Felix's dagger meets Terrorizer's chest. His face goes pale before his player model shatters. "Player Terrorizer has been slain by player Pewdiepie!" The announcer shouts. "Terrorizer!!!" Moo squeals as he runs over to wear Terrorizer just died. "Moo, no!!!" I warn, but it's too late. With a swipe of Pewds' sword, Moo loses a quarter of his health.
I can't let him kill Moo! He's one of our Priests! He has to live so he can help Droidd heal the guys! I throw a stun spell at Felix, taking his attention away from Moo so he can heal himself. He laughs at me before shapeshifting into a Hellhound. Ironic... He charges at me with smoke coming out of his snout, catching me off guard.
Before he can ram into me, I feel myself being lifted off of the ground. I look up and smile when I see Marcel at full health. "Thanks, Basically." I giggle. "No prob, bro." He chuckles, but stops when Pewds growls and shapeshifts back into an Angel. He jumps up and spreads his wings, replacing his dagger with a sword.
I snicker before raising my fists, one of the glowing the gold from my battle with Jack as the other glows a bright orange. Pewds lunges at us, so I lift up my orange fist to form a shield. Once Felix pulls back, I let my shield down and swing at him with my golden fist. I punch him in gut, stunning him and depleting half of his health. He flies backwards to gather himself at smiles evilly.
He pulls his dagger back out and twirls it in his hand before throwing it at us. It hits Marcel's wing, sending us plummeting to the ground. "Prepare for impact, Mini!" Marcel exclaims, switching our positions so when we hit the ground if land on top of him. "No! Basically, don't!" I plead, but we hit the ground before I can do anything about it. "Basically!" Droidd and I call out to him in synch. Instead of an answer, the sound of his player model shattering fills our ears. "Player BasicallyIDoWRK has been slain by player Pewdiepie!"
I give Pewds a menacing glare, making him laugh. He turns into a Hellhound again and looks at me cockily. Suddenly, a familiar scream bounces off the walls. I whip my head in the direction of the noise to see Nogla's body shatter. "Player Daithi De Nogla has been slain by player Cryaotic!" "Nogla, no!!!! I'm going to kill you, you stupid asshole!!!" Lui screams as he charges at Cry.
A sharp pain hits my stomach bringing me back to my own battle. Pewds digs his sharp teeth into my stomach as he pushes me into the ground, bringing me to a little under half health. That same worried voice fills my ears, giving me strength to push forward. My fists glow a dark purple as I right hook the large Hellhound. He flies in the other direction with a whimper, releasing me from his mouth.
I give his health bar a quick glance with a smirk. He's almost dead! He only has a quarter of health left! I throw a series of different spells his way, eventually bringing him to zero health. His body shatters, the sound of another body shattering following soon after. "Player Pewdiepie has been slain by player MiniLadd!" "Player Cryaotic has been slain by player LuiCalibre!"
Lui and I give each other a nod before making our way towards Moo and Droidd. Lui walks over to Droidd, so I make my way to Moo. "Welcome back, buddy!" He chirps teasingly. I roll my eyes playfully as he heals me back to full health. "Thanks again, Moo!" I say before running over to Vanoss and Delirious to help them out with Mark, Lui trailing close behind me. With all of four of us attacking him, he doesn't stand a chance. Mark manages to get a few more hits on Vanoss and Delirious before his body shatters.
"Player Markiplier has been slain by player Vanoss..." The announcers trails off, surprised. A few moments of silence filled the coliseum as everyone tries to process what just happened. "Everyone give a round of applause to the new raining champions, the Banana Bus Crew!!!" The announcer shouts into the microphone happily, earning cheers, claps, and whistles from the crowd.
All of out fallen comrades respawn one-by-one, making the crowd in the real world grow louder. Wildcat is teleported into the arena, his face mixed with joy and anger. He stomps over to me and wraps his arms around me in a bear hug, lifting me in the air and resting a head on my shoulder. "Damnit, Mini! You scared the living shit out of me! I thought you died twice you asshole!" Wildcat curses, putting me down and smacking me in the back of the head. "Ouch! That hurt!" I pout playfully, rubbing my head where he hit me. "Good! You deserved it for scaring me!"

(Hi guys! I am waaaaay passed due for an update, but I've finally managed to do it! Over the time I've been away, I've planned so much for this books and it's sequels future. That's right, guys. There is going to be a sequel!)

(Anyways, I'm going to announce the winners of the little contest I had a while back. I already announced them in my info book, but I said I'd announce them here too, so here it is. 1st place winner is zombieplayz ! 2nd place winner is MamaRaccoon ! 3rd place winner is Shadowmist45 ! Thanks for entering and you all did very well!)

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