~ Chapter 6 ~

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Mini's PoV

"Game time, boys! Split!" Vanoss shouts before running into battle. "Droidd, Moo! You two stay back and wait for someone to get hurt! Nogla, Mini! You need to go to his right and left and cast spells from a distance! Wildcat, Basically! You two need to get in front and behind of him and shoot him from a distance! Delirious, Terrorizer, Lui, and I are going to distract him and lay a couple hits on him!" Vanoss orders while jumping away from the Orc's foot that was about to crush him like a bug.
We all get to our positions and fight. A health bar appears above the Orc's head and shows that his health is slowly but surely decreasing. He growls as he tries to step on Vanoss again and ends up getting a knife to the foot from Delirious, making him angrier. Vanoss and Delirious high five before getting back to work.
"Shit!" Terrorizer exclaims as he's caught off guard by the Orc's foot coming straight for him. The Orc kicks Terrorizer, sending him flying into a tree. "Terrorizer!!!" Moo screams before bolting to his friend's aid. Delirious turns to see if Terrorizer is okay and ends up getting kicked just like he did, but instead of hitting a tree, the Orc kicked him into Vanoss and Lui. The three friends are all sent flying in the other direction. "V-Vanoss!!! D-D-Delirious! Lui!" Droidd yells before running to their aid.
The Orc is now at half health, but now we don't have our distractions. He let's out another loud, bone-chilling growl before he turns his attention to me. He stomps towards me, making my eyes widen. Why me?! I back away from the enormous creature, sending as many spells as I can his way. "Mini, run!" Wildcat exclaims while shooting multiple arrows at a time in hopes to kill him before he reaches me.
       I end up backing into the tree and before I know it, the Orc has me in his hand. "Guys!!!! Help!!!!" I plead as I squirm in the Orc's grasp. The more I wiggle, the harder the Orc squeezes. I whimper as he brings me closer towards his mouth. This fucker plans on eating me!!!! This is twice in this game that a monster has wanted to eat me!!!
       Suddenly, the Orc screams in pain and drops me, sending me plummeting to the ground. "Mini!!!!" All of the guys yell. I scream as I get closer and closer to my death, but I land in someone's arms instead. I feel my heart skip a beat when I see who it is. Tyler... I take a good, long look at his face while he focuses on getting me away from the Orc.
       I feel a sudden wave of admiration rush through me as I study every detail of his face. His bluish-green eyes seem so caring, determined, and welcoming. His pink, kissable lips forming a flat line. Tiny bits of dirt falling out of his brown hair with every step he takes. Wow... I've never realized how attractive Tyler really is until now. I've always thought of him as an asshole, but now that I see this different side of him I feel so attached to him.
       "Fuck yeah!!! We did it guys!" Marcel's voice rings through my head, breaking me away from my thoughts. I hear a loud 'bam' followed by a miniature earthquake. Wildcat turns in the direction of the noise, allowing me to watch as the Orc turns into a bag filled with his inventory.
       Vanoss walks over to it, now fully recovered thanks to Moo, and opens it. He smiles and pulls out a horn from the Orc. "Well would ya look at that, boys! We did it!" Vanoss exclaims while holding our objective in the air for everyone to see. Everyone cheers and claps as he sticks the horn back in the bag.
The guys notice the position Tyler and I am in and immediately stop cheering. They stare at us with giant smirks on their faces. "What?" Wildcat questions, but tenses when he meets my eyes. "Oh shit!" He shouts in surprise, accidentally dropping me. I hiss in pain as my ass meets the ground with a 'thump'. "Ouch! That hurt you fucking asshole!" I groan. He rolls his eyes playfully and extends a hand for me to take. I grab his hand and let him pull me up by himself since he dropped me in the first place.
"Hey, I saved your ass from getting eaten twice. You should be thankful I didn't let you die and respawn back at the house." Tyler says while sticking his tongue out at me. I cross my arms with a 'humph' and stick my tongue out at him in return. The guys laugh at our childishness before we all return to the town of North Wood Village.
       Once we get there, we earn more looks of curiosity from the crowd as we make our way back to the quest board to give the quest keeper the Orc horn. The familiar NPC smiles as he sees us all approaching him. "Were you successful with your task?" He asks. Vanoss grins at him before handing him the inventory bag. The quest keeper opens it and smiles. "Good job, Banana Bus Crew!!! Here's your reward!" He says.

Banana Bus Crew has received 3,500 XP and 500 cash!

Banana Bus Crew has leveled up twice!
Your guild is now at level 3!

       "Yeah! Go team!" Terrorizer exclaims, fist pumping the air. "I'm tired! Let's go home so we can log off." Lui pouts. "Yeah, I have school tomorrow." Wildcat adds with a yawn. "Alright boys, let's go home." Vanoss announces before walking off, everyone else following him. With that, we start the long journey home. It wouldn't have felt as long if the guys had stopped singing the song they came up with for our guild. "Boodoo boodoo, Banana Bus!!! Boodoo boodoo, Banana Bus!!!"

(For those of you that are with the Wattys 2016, in the story Droidd has a speaking deficiency that makes him stutter a lot.)

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