~ Chapter 20 ~

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Mini's PoV

*When he logs back on the next day*

       Wildcat and I have our usual breakfast, but it doesn't feel the same. The room is filled with a tense silence as our spoons clink with the bowls. "Mini?" Wildcat speaks up, grabbing my attention. "Yeah?" I reply as I take our bowls and silverware to the sink. "What was Pewdiepie talking about when he said he 'owned you'?" He asks. My breath hitches in my throat as I try to come up with a convincing lie. "Well..." I start, but I get a message from the guild chat before I can say anything else.

Vanoss: Hey guys, do you remember that place Lui got the Griffin from???

LuiCalibre: I REMEMBER!!! :D

DaithiDeNogla: What about it?

Vanoss: The town is still a little roughed up from the last Griffin attack, so they need help rebuilding it. It offers a pretty big reward, so I thought we'd go back and help them out :3

H2ODelirious: I'll go if u go ;* <3 :3

Moo Snuckle: Awwww~ That's adorable!

SilentDroidd: You guys are weird...

BasicallyIDoWRK: DROIDD?! YOU'RE ACTUALLY USING THE GUILD CHAT?!?! I thought u weren't comfortable with it?

SilentDroidd: My best friend convinced me

BasicallyIDoWRK: Who?!

SilentDroidd: I'll tell u one day

BasicallyIDoWRk: ;~;

Vanoss: Okay then... With that out of the way... Let's go ahead and meet up at the quest board so we can get going.

MiniLadd: Hey Vanoss, do u mind telling me what the reward is?

Vanoss: 2,500 XP and 420 cash. Why?

MiniLadd: I was just wondering. I'll see u guys at the quest board.

I exit the group chat and look up to see a suspicious Tyler looking my way. "Go ahead and make your way to the quest board. I'll be there in a bit." I say before rushing towards my room. I quickly shut and lock the door while pulling up my private messages.

MiniLadd: We're heading to Greyford to help with construction. The reward is 2,500 XP and 420 cash. You better not pull that same stunt you did yesterday! You even think about hurting my friends and I'll kill you!

Pewdiepie: Don't worry, Craig. Relax. Plan B has nothing to do with your friends~

MiniLadd: It better not

       With an agitated huff, I stomp out of my room. I walk out of the house to see Wildcat standing in the lawn with his arms crossed. "Why didn't you leave without me?" I ask. He tenses a little an scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Oh, uh... I just felt like waiting for you..." Tyler explains with a tint of pink on his cheeks. I giggle playfully as I walk over to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him away. I didn't think much of it at first, but halfway towards the quest board a freeze and quickly let go of his hand. I hear what I think is a disappointed whimper from Wildcat, catching me off guard. "What was that noise?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious. "Huh! What?! Oh, uh, I didn't hear anything!" He sputters. Why is he acting so nervous about it? "Okay, it was probably just my imagination." I say before we continue on our journey.
When we arrive, we see the whole group standing there, chatting amongst themselves. Marcel is the first to spot us. "Mini! Wildcat! What the fuck took you so long?!" He shouts playfully while running towards us, putting Tyler in a headlock and giving him a noogie. "Ah! Get off of me you crazy bastard!" Wildcat squeaks in surprise as he tried to free himself from the smaller man's clutches. We all laugh at their childish behavior before walking through the same route as we did last time.

*A few hours later*

"Are we there yet? My feet hurt..." Lui complains in his toddler voice. "Well, if we rode your Griffin pet there you wouldn't be having at problem." Terrorizer huffs with his cheeks puffed out. "Hey! I haven't unlocked the Mount ability yet! I have to train him a little before he can carry ten fat ass men from our village all the way to Greyford!" Lui counters with a pout. The group groans as Vanoss comes to a hault. "How about we just camp out for the night. We can't sleep in the trees because some of us aren't responsible enough for that yet. I'm not going to say any names- Delirious- but we probably need to just find a clearing and rest there. Since we don't have the safety of the trees, we'll have someone on the lookout every few hours. Does that sound good?" Vanoss asks the group, earning a playful punch to the arm from Delirious.
       It didn't take long to find a nice clearing to stay in, and since it's still the weekend, we can actually sleep in the game without logging off. I'm kind of excited because I've never really slept in virtual reality before~
       "Alright, I'll take first watch! Terrorizer, your next. Wildcat, you're after him. Mini, you'll take watch after Wildcat. You guys can choose who takes watch from there because I'm too tired to think at the moment." Vanoss yawns before getting ready for his shift. Everyone situates themselves somewhere on the ground, falling asleep one by one. I get comfortable on the ground and stare up at the virtual night sky, an unsettling feeling resting in my stomach. I try to calm myself by pointing out the different constellations, but the feeling intensifies.
       I hear a rustling in the bushes and jerk my head up, looking over at Vanoss. He notices the noise too, and decides to investigate. He holds his sword up as he approaches the shrubbery. I stand from my place on the ground and prepare my magic, keeping a watchful eye on Vanoss incase he needs help.
       Suddenly, a figure appears behind Vanoss, a dagger in his hand. "Vanoss look out!" I warn as I stare at the scene in shock. How did that guy just appear out of thin air?! None I the classes or races have that ability, which leaves only one solution... A hacker. Vanoss barely dodges the knife and swings his sword, but the guy teleported again. Vanoss raises and eyebrow and looks around, noticing I'm awake. He starts to walk towards me and freezes before becoming panicked. "Mini! Behind you!" He squeals worriedly. Uh oh...

(:3 Cliffhangers~ I'm an asshole lmao. Welp, this chapter was pretty fucking eventful. We've got ourselves a hacker! You guys knew it was coming sooner or later. Can you guys guess who the hacker is? Do you think he/she's alone?? Is the story good so far??? I'm suck a dweeb xD Anyways, I hope you enjoyed~)

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