~ Chapter 8 ~

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Mini's POV

"Who helped you?" Wildcat asks, taking a step closer to me. I look at him before redirecting my attention to the screen. "Hold on." I say before typing away at the screen.

MiniLadd: You want to fuck with the guys?

H2ODelirious: Yeah! What are you planning?

MiniLadd: Let's tell them about how we know what each other looks like, and rub it in their faces

H2ODelirious: That so mean! I love it!

MiniLadd: Let's gather them up at the quest board. I'll meet you there

H2ODelirious: Got it! I'm dragging Vanoss' lazy ass out the door now!

MiniLadd: Vanoss is with you???

H2ODelirious: We share a house

MiniLadd: Oh ;)

H2ODelirious: Shut the fuck up! I'm messaging the guys in the guild chat.

MiniLadd: Ok xD

I smile at Wildcat before grabbing his hand and dragging him out the door. "You still haven't answered me." He huffs as I lead him to the quest board. "Calm your tits! Patience is a virtue, ya know." I tease, sitting on the bench and waiting for the guys to arrive. Wildcat walks next to me and leans on the side of the quest board, crossing his arms with a pout.
       Eventually, all the guys arrive with curiosity staining their features. I stand up and walk over to Delirious, gaining Wildcat's attention. He smiles at me and rests his hands on my shoulders, his chin laying on my head. I look over to see Vanoss frowning and Wildcat hanging his head. "Guys, we have something to tell you!" Delirious chirps, earning suspicious glances from the group.
       "I know what Mini looks like." Delirious announces cockily. "What?!" Wildcat exclaims, his head jerking up and staring at us in disbelief. "Wow Wildcat, someone seems a bit jealous." Vanoss jokes with a laugh. "Yep, and I know what Delirious looks like!" I add, making Vanoss choke on his own saliva. "What?!" He coughs, lifting his shirt over his mouth so he wouldn't cough on anyone. "Ha! Who's jealous now, bitch!" Wildcat shouts. "Who wouldn't be jealous?! I've known him ever since freshman year of high school and I haven't even seen his face!" Vanoss whines, clearly upset that he wasn't the first to see the man behind the mask in all of his glory.
       "So, do we get to see your faces?" Moo asks from behind Terrorizer. Delirious and I look at each other with smirks on our faces. "Maybe one day, but not today!" I answer while giving Delirious a high five. "You bloody wankers! You dragged us all the way here just to tell us this and rub it in our faces!" Nogla yells, his Irish accent thickening with every word. "Yup, that's exactly why we brought you here! Do you guys want to pick out a quest while we're here?" Delirious says to which everyone silently nods. "Alright! Let's see what the quest board has for us today!" Vanoss shouts as he points to the board.

Giant Spider Boss terrorizing Dark Wood Swamp!

Reward for Kill: 2,500 XP and 350 cash

Difficulty: Normal

Griffin pet outraged by his owner's death, attacking the village of Greyford seeking vengeance!

Reward for Kill or Capture: 5,000 XP and 1,000 cash

Difficulty: Hard

There's an infestation of Green Globs in the King's royal garden!

Reward for Kill: 1,000 XP and 200 cash

Difficulty: Easy

       "Looks like Moo isn't the only person afraid of spiders. The Spider Boss quest is still here." Terrorizer teases, nudging Moo's shoulder. "Can we not talk about spiders? It makes my skin crawl just thinking about them..." Moo shrugs, rolling his eyes at Terrorizer and nudging him back. He throws his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, dude. I won't talk about it." Terrorizer defends himself with a goofy grin.
       "Okay, so we obviously can't do the quest with the S word in it. So it's either the Green Globs or the Griffin. Which one sounds more interesting?" Vanoss says jokingly. "Let's do the Griffin one! Maybe one of us can claim the Griffin as a pet so we don't have to walk everywhere we go!" Lui responds with hopeful eyes. Vanoss looks around at us for approval before taking the Griffin quest off of the board. "Let's get going boys!" He says as he enters the location into his mini map. His eyes widen as he stares at the screen.
"W-What is it, Vanoss?" Droidd asks. "Greyford village will take forever to walk to! Look at this shit!" Vanoss exclaims while showing us his mini map. We all gap as we stare at the distance from here to the village. "Well, we better get going then!" Marcel says before walking away. "Basically, you're going the wrong way." I point out with a small chuckle. He turns around and walks passed us in the opposite direction as he was going earlier. "There ya go, bud." Wildcat says before running to catch up with him, the rest of us following suit.

*Five Hours Later*

"My feet hurt." Lui complains with a groan. "Yeah, we've been walking for hours! I think we should set up some places to sleep and log off." Nogla adds. "Okay, let's climb up in the trees and log off." Vanoss says before walking over to one of the large trees and climbing it, Delirious following him.
The rest of the guys do the same, sharing a tree with one of their friends. "You wanna share a tree?" Wildcat asks me. I giggle and nod my head. He smiles at me and begins to climb the tree next to us, situating himself on one of the branches. I do the same and get on the branch that sticks out on the opposite side of Wildcat's. "Goodnight, Mini. I'll see you tomorrow." Wildcat hums, leaning on the trunk of the tree. "Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow, Wildcat." I reply, leaning on the trunk of the tree just like Wildcat. I click the log off button and feel myself fade away from the game, Wildcat's words ringing through my head as I wake up in my bedroom.

(How was the chapter? You guys like it? I did, lol! It was really fun to write the last part :3)

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