~ Chapter 9 ~

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Mini's PoV

*The end of the school day*

I pick up all of my things and leave the classroom with a smile on my face. It's been a few days, but I'm still pretty surprised that I managed to make friends. It feels nice. I haven't really had any friends since middle school, and now I'm in my senior year of college. You'd think people would grow out of bullying when they reach college, but apparently not.
"Tyler! You're not getting away from us this time!" A familiar voice spits. I turn and see the four bullies cornering Tyler at his locker. What are they doing? Tyler was their friend... "What do you fucks think you're doing?! Get away from me! I already told you I'm done with your shit!" Tyler growls, trying to shove his way out before getting slammed back into the lockers.
"You've changed Tyler! Why?!" One of them asks harshly. "I've already told you! I have real friends now, and if they were to find out who I hang out with outside of Evolution, they would never accept me! If they thought of me as a complete douche bag, they'd abandon me! Now leave me the fuck alone!" Tyler exclaims, trying to shove them out of the way. Instead, two of them pin him to the lockers while the other two smile down at him evilly. "Get off of me!" Tyler demands, making them laugh.
Tyler... He's changed. He isn't a bully anymore. He's going to take a beating for his friends. For me. I feel anger bubble up in my chest as I stomp my way over to them. I yank one of the bullies away from him and punch him, making him stumble backwards. They all look at me in shock as I stare daggers at them. "Do you fucks want a repeat of what happened last time?" I say cockily, referring to yesterday.
They all back away, eyes filled with fear. "L-Look, we're sorry! I-It won't happen again!" One of them apologizes before making a run for it. The rest of them do the same, leaving me and a dumbfounded Tyler alone at the lockers. "C-Craig?" He stutters in disbelief. I look over at him and smile. "Yeah?" I reply with an eyebrow raised. "Why did you do that?" He asks, obviously confused. "Uh... Because it was the right thing to do." I lie while shrugging my shoulders. "Well, thank you..."

*When Mini gets back online*

I wake up with a yawn as I stretch my limbs. "Good morning, gu-AHHH!!!!!" Delirious' voice screams followed by a loud thud and Vanoss' laughter. I look to the noise to see Delirious lying flat on his back on the ground. He let's out a pained groan and slowly sits up, giving Vanoss a death glare.
"I could've died and you're laughing! You're an asshole, Vanoss!" He yells while standing up and rubbing his lower back. "You would've respawned anyways." Vanoss counters while trying to stop laughing. "Then I'd have to walk all the way back!" Delirious argues, crossing his arms. "Or you could teleport to one of us." Vanoss adds, climbing his way down the tree. Delirious began to pick up rocks and throw them at Vanoss. "Stop it! You're going to make me fall!" He exclaims while hugging the tree trunk so he wouldn't fall.
"That's the point, you fuck!" Del shouts, accidentally throwing a big rock at Vanoss' head. "Shit! I didn't mean to do that!" Delirious yells while trying to catch an unconscious Vanoss. When Vanoss falls, he lands on top of Delirious, pinning him to the ground. "Damnit, Vanoss! Help!" Delirious exclaims while trying to push Vanoss off of him and failing. I roll my eyes and climb down the tree.
He notices me climbing down the tree and looking at me with hopeful eyes. "Mini! Help me! He's too heavy! I can't get him off!" Delirious pleads with a relieved sigh. "Nope, you asked for this. You're just going to have to either wait for Vanoss to wake up or wait until one of the guys logs on and decides to help you, whichever comes first." I say with a giggle. "Hey! I saved your ass yesterday! You owe me!" Delirious points out to which I simply smile. "Yep, that's why I decided to come down here and give you company instead of staying up on my little tree branch and watching you suffer." I say cockily, earning a small whine. "You're an asshole." He pouts while squirming underneath Vanoss' limp body. "Awww, really?! Thank you! I try." I snicker, earning another whine.
"What the fuck are you dorks doing down there?" Moo's voice questions out of nowhere. "Delirious was trying to knock Vanoss out of the tree and ended up knocking him unconscious instead. Now he is paying the price." I explain, watching Moo spread his angel wings and fly down to us. "Moo! Please help me! Get him off of me!" Delirious begs. Moo rolls his eyes playfully before bending down to our level. "I'm not getting him off of you, but I will heal him and let him decide if he wants to get off of you or not." Moo says, placing a hand on Vanoss' forehead. A blue, almost white, light outlines Moo's hand as he heals Vanoss.
Vanoss groans, signifying that he's awake. Moo and I giggle before he grabs my wrist and drags me away from them. "What are you doing?" I ask while he pulls me behind a bush. "I'm letting them have some alone time." He answers, peering over the bush every once in a while. "Oh." I say with a devious grin.

(Is that H2OVanoss I smell?)

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