~ Chapter 18 ~

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Mini's PoV

       "So ladies, are we ready to go?" Vanoss asks us. "Yeah!" The guys cheer. "Alright, hold on a sec. I have to do something real quick. It'll only take a second." I say before dismissing myself and walking out of sight. I pull up the private chat and message Felix.

MiniLadd: We're leaving now.

Pewdiepie: Ok. We'll see you soon ;*

MiniLadd: What do you mean?

Pewdiepie: Don't worry about it.

MiniLadd: Whatever

       I growl at the chat before walking back over to the guys. "Alright! I'm ready! Let's go!" I chirp, walking ahead of everyone. They quickly catch up with me, Tyler walking by my side. "You're acting funny..." He whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "What do you mean 'funny'?" I whisper back while looking up at him. "You're trying too hard to act normal." Wildcat points out, giving me a stern and sincere look. I quickly look away, unable to handle his stare. "Look, I don't know what you're talking about." I huff as I cross my arms. "You're stubborn, you know that?" Wildcat sighs. I let out a small giggle as I stare at my feet. "I guess I am..."

*When the BBC arrive at Victubia*

I look up at the castle in awe as we walk up the staircase to the entrance. We walk passed the guards and into the throne room where we see two women sitting on thrones. "Why hello there, gents~ What do ya need?" One of the ladies questions, standing from her comfortable seat and grabbing the golden staff that sat next to her. "Oh, uh, we're here to accept a quest!" Terrorizer announces, handing her the quest paper. She smiles and types something in chat.

Banana Bus Crew has accepted a quest!

       The woman's eyes widen as she stares at the chat. She then looks up at us with a wide grin. "So you're the guild I've been hearing so much about~" She giggles. We all give her a look of confusion before her giggle turns into a laugh. "Have you not heard? After you guys took down the Warfstaches in the arena, you gained enough XP to put yourselves on the top of the leaderboard!" She explains. I almost choke on a gasp as I take in the information this stranger, whom I'm assuming is MangaMinx, just told us.
       "What?! Are you serious?! We're at the top of the fucking leaderboard?!" Nogla exclaims, his Irish accent thickening. "Yep~ Since I already know who you guys are, I'd like to introduce myself and my lovely queen. I'm Minx, or as you fellas probably know me, MangaMinx, and this is my beautiful wife, Krism!" She says, pointing over to the other woman.
       Before we can say anything else, Minx slams her staff against the ground, the startling sound echoing throughout the palace. "Now that we have that out of the way! Guards! I need you to escort the Banana Bus Crew to the royal gardens so they can get rid of those stupid slime balls!" Minx calls out. Two NPC guards quickly make their way towards us, urging us out of the throne room. They lead us through various hallways and rooms before we finally make it to the garden. "The globs are in the maze. The king glob is in the middle. Good luck." One of the guards explains as the other shoves us out the door, slamming it shut behind it. "Pft, rude." Marcel mutters.
       We all look over at the maze to see multiple entrances. "Alright, boys! Since there are ten people in the guild, we'll split up into teams of two," Vanoss announces while grabbing Delirious' waist and resting his chin on his head, "And I've already claimed Del, so you guys can't have him." Delirious giggles as he tries to wiggle out of Vanoss' grasp, earning laughs from the whole group.
       "Okay, I'll take Moo-Moo." Terrorizer says, ruffling Moo's hair. "Mini is mine." Wildcat states bluntly. "Wait, don't I get a say in this?!" I ask. Not that I mind being alone with Tyler... "Nope, so you better suck it up." Wildcat says, mimicking my earlier actions by crossing my arms. I giggle and decide to play his little game. "You're an asshole, you know that?" I ask, copying what he said to me when we were making our way here. "I guess I am."

*A moment after they went inside the maze*

       "Where are all the mobs? I haven't seen any slime balls anywhere." I think aloud as we find ourselves at another dead end. "That's a good question..." Wildcat mumbles, tensing when we here a strange noise behind us. Wildcat turns around and holds his arm out in front of me defensively, whipping a dagger out of his makeshift, leather utility belt. "Stay behind me." Tyler orders, staring at the way we came as the noise gets louder. "I can fight for myself..." I pout.
       A dog-sized ball of goo slides it's way into view, leaving a green trail of slime behind it. Wildcat doesn't hesitate to chuck his dagger at the ball. As the blade hits the creature, it turns into two smaller ones. "What?!" Wildcat and I say in unison. Tyler grabs his bow from around his torso and pulls two arrows out of his quiver. He lines them both up with the globs and fires, making both of the globs splatter on the maze walls. "Well Mini, I hope that answers you're question..." Wildcat chuckles, walking away. "Shut up, jackass! You were just as confused as I was!" I whine as I run to catch up with him, almost slipping in the green slime.
       We make our way through the maze peacefully, running into a few globs here and there. Apparently, if I kill them with my magic, they won't split into smaller versions of themselves. "Hey Mini, if something was truly bothering you, would you tell me?" Wildcat asks out of the blue. I tense and stare at the ground as we walk through the maze. "Wildcat, there's only two things in this world that I could never show you." I answer. He takes in a deep breath and let's it out slowly.
       "I'm not going to push you into telling me anything, but I just want you to know that I'd really like to know." He states, stopping us and pulling my chin up so I can stare into his eyes. I can feel myself slowly moving forward, Wildcat doing the same. I begin to close my eyes, but a loud noise from up ahead stops me. I quickly back away and look up at Tyler. "I think that's the king! We must be close!" I exclaim before running in the direction of the noise. Holy shit... That was way too close! I almost ruined my friendship with Tyler...

(I'm such an asshole xD I'm sorry for that last part *cough, cough* not *cough, cough* Anyways, I'll give anyone who gets the Victubia reference 10 brownie points! I love you guys! Thanks for reading my shit book~)

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