~ Chapter 21 ~

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Mini's PoV

Just as I'm about to turn around, I feel a pair of arms latch onto me. I yelp in surprise, waking the rest of the crew up. Tyler's face goes pale when he sees the situation and starts running to my aid, only to be stopped when another hacker appears right in front of him. Two more teleport into the battle, glitching around and using hacks like extra stamina and enhanced strength.
I growl as the hacker manages to pull my arms behind my back. He holds both of my wrists in one hand as he slowly moves his hand towards my head. Fuck! He's going to take my hood off! I struggle as hard as I can, screaming for help. His hand reaches my hood as he yanks it off of my head. I gasp and struggle even harder in hopes of getting free and putting it back over my head before anyone notices.
My heart completely stops when I see Wildcat turn his head away from the fight to look at me. His eyes widen with shock as he lowers his weapons. "Craig?" He questions, but I could hardly hear him. My mind goes blank as I grow weak, the man behind me being the only thing keeping me on my feet. He knows... He hates me now. Our friendship is ruined. I was doing so well... I feel tears beginning to well up in my eyes as I fight to hold them back.
"How are you liking Plan B so far?" A sickeningly familiar voice whispers in my ear. Felix! "I'm going to kill you!" I scream as anger becomes my new-found strength. "Fall back boys!" Felix exclaims and before I know it, I'm being teleported away.

Wildcat's PoV

I stare at the place where they took Craig away. I fall to my knees, unable to stand any longer. The man I've fallen in love with was Craig the whole time... Damn... I-I don't know how to feel about this. If anything, I think my love for him just grew even stronger... But now he's gone. Those hackers just took him away, and what did I do? I just stood there and watched!
I'm caught off guard by something warm falling down my face. I quickly recompose myself and wipe the tear away before the guys see. I stand up and look over at the guys for answers. "Who are those people...? And why did they take Mini?!" Delirious exclaims, the usual bright look in his eyes replaced with a burning fire of hatred and determination.
"I-I-I know who they a-are... I saw u-un-underneath one of th-ier hoods." Droidd stutters nervously, hiding behind Marcel. "Who?!" I growl, eager to know who stole my MiniLadd. He hides even farther behind Marcel before answering. "They were the W-Warfstaches."
The sound of that name sends me overboard. I clench my fists so tight that my knuckles begin to turn white. Those fuckers are going to pay! "We need to save Mini and get the Warfstaches banned!" I announce, my blood boiling. "But how?! I'm sure the Warfstaches aren't stupid enough to let Mini contact us or teleport us!" Nogla points out. We all stand in silence for a moment before Moo's eyes light up. "Doesn't Minx have the power to find Mini? She's the game maker after all!" Moo suggests with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Yes! She can!" Vanoss shouts exitedly. Fuck yeah!

*When they reach Victubia*

       The guards let us in and I bolt to the throne where Minx and Krism sat. "Minx! We need your help! It's an emergency!" I exclaim, panting as I reach her. She raises her eyebrow at me as the guys jog over to my side. "A group of hackers kidnapped Mini and we don't know where they are or why they took him!" I spit out in one breath, my words barely computable.
       Her eyes widen at the mention of hackers and Mini. "What?! There's hackers in my precious videogame?! And they took Mini?! Well those fuckers don't know who they're messing with! Do you know their usernames?!" She asks angrily. "The Warfstaches!" I growl, my desire to beat the living shit out of them growing stronger.
       "I knew that group was up to no good." Minx thinks aloud as she types some things into the chat. Coordinates appear in her game chat as she pinpoints where they are on the minimap. I can teleport you guys there, but I'll have to put you guys outside. I lose connection to the location when it's indoors." And with that, we're off to save my Mini-Craig.

Mini's PoV

       I stand helplessly in the room the Warfstaches locked me in, tugging at the ropes holding my hands behind my back, processing everything Felix has told me. They're using me as ransom... What a dick move! Are they really this desperate to get their fucking XP back?! The fuck is wrong with them?! I kick the bedpost of the old bed next to me. What am I supposed to do now?! I know Tyler isn't willing to save my ass, but I don't know about the rest of the guys... I'm sure Delirious would try to break me out of here, and knowing Vanoss, I'm sure he'll help out just because Del is.
       I let out a loud humph and stomp over to the other side of the room, slowly sliding down the wall to the floor. I would love to log off to get out of this madness, but I'll just respawn here again when I log back on. Besides, if Delirious does try to break me out of here and I'm logged off, he'll have to drag my afk body out and I don't want to burden him with anything.
       I let out a long sigh and stare at door from across the room. I fucked up. If I had been just a little more careful with my hood this would've never happened. Wildcat and I would still be great friends. Felix would've never found out who I am. The guys would've never found out who I am, all but Delirious of course.
       I let the memories of when I first logged on fill my mind. The tiny trolls. Encountering Wildcat. Meeting his friends. Joining the Banana Bus Crew. Discovering their unique personalities. Our very first quest together, the others following soon after. My new found love. Meeting them all in person. The joy. The fun. The laughter. All of it, wiped away by the lift of my hood. A tear fell down my face, many falling soon after. I curl up in a ball and sob into my knees as best I could.
       The creaking of the door catches my attention as fear clogs my mind, running down my spine and all throughout my body. The face at the door makes my stomach churn and my head fills with questions. I stare at the man before me with wide, scared eyes as he silently approaches me. Why is he here?

(*insert Lenny face here* There was a lot of switches in the chapter, but I hope you guys still like it <3)

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