~ Chapter 10 ~

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Vanoss' PoV

I stare down at Jonathan with a smug grin. "Why hello there~" I giggle while getting comfortable on his chest. "Hi, now get off." He demands. "Should I? You did throw rocks at me..." I say, pretending to think about it. "Vanoss, I will eat your soul if you don't get your fat ass off of me." Delirious threatens me. I lift myself up a little before letting myself fall back on top of him. He let's out a breathless grunt and begins to strangle me with his eyes. I smirk down at him, letting myself fall onto him one last time before getting up. "Remind me to kill you when we log off." Delirious says, sitting up from his spot on the ground and looking up at me. Gladly.

Mini's PoV

*When everyone logs on*

"Alright! Let's go boys!" Vanoss announces before marching forward dramatically. Moo, Delirious, and I all laugh at his childishness while the rest of the guys just roll their eyes playfully. We walk behind him, letting him lead the way to the village. We all talk and cut up, but I notice there's one person missing. Where's Tyler? I look around for him before spotting Wildcat walking far behind the guys, alone with his head hanging low.
I stop walking and watch as he slowly walks along. Once he's close, I begin to walk by his side. "You okay, Wildcat? You don't seem too talkative today." I ask worriedly. He looks up at me before hanging his head again. "Well.... I just... It's nothing." He says with a sad look in his eye. "You would be up there talking to everyone if it was nothing." I say, crossing my arms. He sighs and looks back up at me. "I just feel a little guilty. That's all you need to know." He shrugs. What could he feel guilty about? He was a little late getting online today... Could that have had anything to do with it?
"You're not getting out of this that easily." I say, repeating the words he said to me when I got my lip busted. He cracks a small smile when he catches what I did, a spark of happiness flashing in his eyes for a moment before returning to their sad state. "Look, if I tell you this will you not tell the guys?" He questions, scratching the back of his neck nervously. "I won't tell. I promise." I reply, listening closely to what he has to say.
       "Okay, so, there's this kid at school that I was a real asshole to. I treated him like trash so I could look like a tough guy and fit in, but when I met you guys I realized that it doesn't matter how 'tough' I look as long as I'm a good person. I decided to tell everyone off and stop my tough guy act, and it didn't make them too happy. They would've beat the living shit out of me if it weren't for that kid. He saved me even though I was always mean to him." Wildcat sighs before looking away from me.
       I feel a sudden ache in my heart as my brain processes what he just said. He's feels guilty because he was mean to me all of these years... He really has changed... Or maybe he was never a bad guy to begin with. He did say that he just wanted to fit in. I forgive him. I think I've already forgiven him seeing as though I saved his ass today instead of walking away.
       "Don't worry, Wildcat. I'm sure he forgives you. That kid wouldn't have helped you out if he didn't." I say, rubbing his back comfortingly. "Well, what's really eating away at me is why... I want to know why he saved me." Wildcat breathes out with his fists clenched. "I'm sure he has his reasons." I simply respond.
       "Yeah, and I'm going to find out what they are." Wildcat huffs. "Wait, wha-" I question, but I'm cut off by Vanoss. "We're here, gents!" He announces while pointing forward. My eyes follow his finger to see a small town. A few houses have collapsed and a few have missing roofs. "Holy shit." Nogla mutters as he stares at the wreckage. "C'mon! Let's go! I wanna see the Griffin!" Lui chirps excitedly with the voice of a small child. He grabs Nogla's hand and drags him towards the village, the rest of us following after them.
       "Keep an eye out for the quest board so we can find the quest keeper." Vanoss says as we walk through the town gates. We walk around, finding the quest board soon after we walk passed the merchant markets. A woman in peasants clothing stands next to the quest board. We walk up to her, earning a welcoming smile. "Hello players, I am the quest keeper! Would you like to accept a quest?" The NPC asks. "Um, y-yeah." Droidd stutters sheepishly. "May I see the quest?" She asks while holding out her hand. Vanoss hands her the paper with a smile.
"The quest is yours boys, but you'll need some supplies to help you catch the Griffin." She says before a familiar text appears in the game chat.

Banana Bus Crew has accepted a quest!

I smile at the chat and look back at the quest keeper. "Come this way, I will lead you to the supply storage." She states, motioning for us to follow her.
       She led us to an old building that looks strangely similar to the one that I first spawned in when I first bought the game. We walk in and are greeted by an abundance of different weapons and tools. "To catch or kill a Griffin, you need larger weapons and tools, so keep that in mind when you pick out what you want to use." The quest keeper says before leaving the building. We all stare at the room in awe before choosing what tools we want to use.

(Now we know why Tyler always bullied Craig! Yay! I wonder what will happen next *insert Lenny face here* lmao! I'm so cliche it hurts xD)

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