Chapter 1: Welcome to the World

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A/N: I new story I came up with, since I like it when any Dipcifica children are still little and cute, takes place 10 years after the original series.

Dipper was pacing around a hospital hallway while his wife Pacifica was in a room laying on a hospital bed screaming in pain. You see Pacifica is giving birth to their first child.

"Come on Pacifica you can do this," said Dipper.

Just then his sister, Mabel, helps calm him down.

"Calm down Dipper, it's your first kid," said Mabel, "No one is a professional when it comes to becoming a parent."

"How would you know, the only diapers you changed were your own," said Dipper.

Mabel slapped Dipper in the back of the head.

"Never make fun of my disability, I remembered you being worried sick when I was involved in that car accident a few years ago," said Mabel.


Mabel was in a car with her best friends Candy and Grenda driving home from the movie theater.

"Man that new Ryan Gosling movie was amazing," said Mabel.

"And those abs, oh lala I can grate cheese on those," said Grenda. 

While driving the car Grenda was driving loses control.

"Grenda what's going on?" Candy asked.

"I don't know this hasn't happened before," said Grenda.

"Pull over," said Mabel.

"I'm trying," said Grenda.

Just then the car swerves off the road and into a nearby ditch crashing the car.

36 hors later.

Mabel wakes up in the hospital with bandages around her head.

"Ooh what happened?" Mabel asked.

Just then Dipper hugged her.

"Mabel I was worried sick, I thought you were dead," said Dipper.

"Dipper what happened?" Mabel asked.

"Grenda's car lost control and crashed in a nearby ditch and crash," said Dipper, "Luckily you all survived. Grenda is going to sue the car dealership for selling her a faulty car."

"That's good to hear," said Mabel.

Mabel sits up and notices something weird.

"Why do my underpants feel weird?" Mabel asked.

"Oh uh, the doctor said you had suffered a spinal cord injury in the crash," said Dipper, "Which unfortunately...... well."

Mabel removes the blanket to reveal a diaper.

"Ugh great now I'm incontinent, the problem I didn't want," said Mabel.

"Hey the doctor told me that incontinence shouldn't slow you down," said Dipper, "He told me a lot of big name stars have them."

Mabel thinks for a sec.

"Okay I hope this isn't a road block on my work," said Mabel.

Flashback over:

"And it wasn't," said Mabel.

"I know you know run a popular online fashion shop on etsy," said Dipper.

"I always knew my sweaters would get me somewhere," said Mabel.

Just then the doctor came out of the room Pacifica is in.

"Congratulations Mr. Pines," said the doctor.

Dipper walks into the room to see two hospital cots holding 2 infants.

"Twins?" Dipper asked.

"Well it is in our genetics," said Mabel.

"True," said Dipper.

Dipper walks over to the babies. One, with blonde hair, is wrapped in a blue blanket and the other, with brunette hair, is wrapped in a pink blanket.

"It's a boy and a girl," said Dipper, "Hey there little ones I'm your daddy."

The babies open their eyes to see their daddy standing there. Both of them smile.

An hour later Dipper and Pacifica were taking a look at the infants.

"Aww she looks like you Dipper," said Pacifica.

"Well all but the nose that's your department," said Dipper.

Pacifica notices something interesting on the girl.

"Dipper look," said Pacifica.

Dipper looks at his daughter an notices she has a birthmark on her wrist in the shape of the Antlia constellation.

"Woah," said Dipper.

Mabel then walks in with a pink teddy bear and a blue teddy bear.

"Aww they're so cute," said Mabel.

Mabel walks up to see the her new niece and nephew.

"Hi there, I'm your Auntie Mabel," said Mabel.

The babies then giggle.

"What are their names?" Mabel asked.

"I 'm thinking of calling the girl Hannah Antlia Pines," said Dipper.

"And I'm think of naming our son Noah Christopher Pines," said Pacifica.

"Those are cute names," said Mabel, "Almost like Mabel and....."

"Don't say my real name," said Dipper.

A few hours later Dipper, Pacifica, the twins, and Mabel returned home.

"Sorry you guys have to share a crib, we were originally expecting just Noah," said Dipper.

"But you're still our little surprise Hannah," said Pacifica.

They placed both babies in the crib and tucked them in.

"Goodnight little ones," said Pacifica.

Dipper turns on the Thomas the Tank Engine nightlight and then leaves the room.

"We're going to make awesome parents," said Dipper.

"I know we will," said Pacifica.

They then kiss.

"Can you guys hurry up with your smooch session," said Mabel, "I got to get ready for the new episode of Star vs. The Forces of Evil."

A/N: That's chapter one of my new story hope you liked it. Also don't act why I made Mabel incontinent, I think her whole car accident story will be a major influence on this story, you know separate it from the others. Okay see yah next time.

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