Chapter 35: We're having a...

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A/N: Time to see what the new baby is. It's going to start a little before the last chapter. Also short chapter warning.

Pacifica is at the doctors office waiting room to see the gender of her and Dipper's 3rd child.

"Coming on the show, we got the cast of, "Sharknado 9: You think we're done? Pfft, Not a chance!" and music star Arty Z when we return, this is Afternoon Gurl Talk on The Golf Channel," said woman on the TV.

"Man that network has gone downhill," said Pacifica.

"Pacifica Pines?"

Pacifica went into the room for her prenatal checkup.

Pacifica sits down on the patient table and rolls her green tshirt up to reveal her 3 month pregnant belly.

"Time to see if your a boy or a girl," said Pacifica.

The doctor came in and did the typical ultrasound procedure.

"How is it Doctor Loud?" Pacifica asked.

"Please call me Lincoln," said Lincoln, "Your baby is perfectly fine. Would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes," said Pacifica.

Pacifica stops Lincoln from saying anything, as she pulls out an index card and envelope.

"But, can you write it on this index card and seal it in this envelope?" Pacifica asked.

"Yeah sure," said Lincoln, "His isn't the first time."

"Grew up with 10 sisters or something?" Pacifica asked.

Lincoln face palms.

"I'm not that Lincoln Loud," said Lincoln. (Hopefully someone got that joke😄😄😄😄😄😉)

A few hours later, Dipper and the twins came in, and they told her all about their day at the zoo.

"Well I went to the doctors today to see what gender the new baby will be," said Pacifica.

"What is it?" Dipper asked.

Pacifica picks up the envelope and opens it, she then reads the index card.

"We're having a girl," said Pacifica.

Dipper then hugs Pacifica.

"Haha I'm getting a sister," said Hannah.

"Shut up," said Noah.

A/N: Short chapter I know, hope you enjoyed this anyway. I'll see you next time.

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