Chapter 32: Lucas' Day with Mommy Part 1.

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A/N: I've planning this chapter for a while. So lets get started.

Lucas is just waking on a bright sunny morning.

"Sun, go away, me stiww sweepy," said Lucas.

Mabel then walks in holding Lucas' favorite Minions sippy cup full of apple juice.

"Morning my baby boy," said Mabel.

Lucas turns his head to see Mabel.

"Mommy," said Lucas as he gave his mommy a hug.

"Aw how's my big strong man?" Mabel asked as he poked his nose.

Lucas giggled.

"Today's an awesome day for the both of us, your cousins are in school, Auntie Pacifica and Unky Dipper are working, and Daddy took Abby to work with him," said Mabel, "So it's you and me all day in our pjs."

Lucas starts laughing happily.

Mabel hands him his sippy cup.

"Okay drink up while I go check your diaper," said Mabel.

Lucas grabs his sippy cup and starts drinking as Mabel picked him up and placed him on the changing table. She pulls down his Adventure Time pj bottoms to reveal a full diaper.

"Uhoh someone's made a stinky in his sleep," said Mabel.

"Me's da stinky," said Lucas.

Mabel the laughs at the toddler's remark. Mabel changes Lucas into a fresh diaper.

"Mommy when do I weaw big kid undoes wike Hannah and Noah?" Lucas asked.

"You can't remember?" Mabel asked.

"Oh yeah," said Lucas.


Mabel and Lucas are in her cousin's, Gavin, doctor's office.

"Hey Mabel," said Gavin.

"Hey Gavin," said Mabel.

"So you two are here for Lucas' check up?" Gavin asked.

"Yep just like we talked about on the phone," said Mabel.

Gavin did the traditional checkup procedure on Lucas.

"Okay Lucas have a lollipop while your mommy and I talk about your health," said Gavin.

"Ooh cherwy," said Lucas.

Gavin and Mabel sat down at his desk.

"So how's my favorite little boy?" Mabel asked.

"Well he is perfectly healthy except for one detail," said Gavin.

Mabel froze in shock.

"What is it cous-cous?" Mabel asked.

"Don't call me that," said Gavin.

"Sorry," said Mabel.

"Well apparently, there is a known trait on Justin's paternal side of the family that skips a generation that cause's the family member to have weak bowel and bladder muscles," said Gavin.

"In English Gavin," said Mabel.

"Mabel, your son can't hold his wazz or shnazz," said Gavin.

"Ooh!" said Mabel.

"Mommy wha does dat mean?" Lucas asked.

Mabel bends down to the toddler's level.

"You can't get potty trained like Hannah or Noah," said Mabel.

"Oh," said Lucas.

Lucas starts making a pouty face.

Flashback over:

"Stupid weewee and bum," said Lucas.

"Hey that's a bad word and you know it," said Mabel.

"Sowwy mommy," said Lucas.

"It's okay," said Mabel, "You know you won't be the only one in this house to spend their life in diapers."

"Weawwy who ewse is dere?" Lucas asked.

Mabel slips off her pj bottoms to reveal her adult diaper.

"Mommy, you weaw diapees too?" Luapcas asked.

"Yep been like that for 7 years, but it didn't stop me," said Mabel, "because if it did, I would never met daddy, and you and Abby would of never existed." 

Lucas gave Mabel a hug.

"I love you mommy," said Lucas.

"I love you too my little minion," said Mabel, "Now hows about I make us some strawberry banana smoothies."

"BANANA," said Lucas.

Lucas runs off laughing.

"I always see more of me in him than I do of Justin," said Mabel.

Mabel then runs after him.

To Be Continued

A/N: Okay I'm posting a part two tomorrow, until then check out my new story, "Living in Gravity Falls." it's another Dipcifica story. Also you can ask or dare Mabel on here now, go check out, "Ask/Dare Mabel Pines" on my profile. Anyway I decided to do a Mabel chapter because Mabel is my favorite character, and my spirit animal. Okay see yah guys next time.

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