Chapter 17: From Infants to Toddlers

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A/N: It's the event of the year.... again!

Today is Noah and Hannah's second birthday, and the little tots are excited.

"It's ouw birfday," said Hannah and Noah repeatingly.

"Oh I can't believe you guys are two years old," said Pacifica.

"It's almost like yesterday I was pacing around the hospital impatiently for you two to come out of mommy," said Dipper.

The twins gave them a confused look.

"We'll tell you when you're older," said Pacifica.

"We'we gonna be weally smart when we get biggew," said Hannah.

Noah makes a faring notice.

"Me made a stinky," said Noah.

Pacifica picks Noah.

"I'll go deal with captain stinky pants while you deal with Princess Hannah here," said Pacifica.


Mabel is currently groaning in pain laying in bed in just a shirt and her diaper.

"Ugh being pregnant sucks," said Mabel, "My pants don't fit, the baby is kicking me hard, and lets not forget, I'm Fat!"

Just then Pacifica and Noah went by.

"Mommy, why Auntie Mabel and Unky Justin wear diapees?" Noah asked.

"I'll explain it when daddy and I start potty training you and your sister," said Pacifica

About an hour later, Candy and her daughter Chloe came over for the twins second birthday party.

"So Candy what are these thing you brought over for the party?" Pacifica asked.

"Oh it's called melon bread, one of my cousins went to Japan for a study abroad thing and shipped me some to try," said Candy, "It's really good, though she sent me a recipe to make them at home and well I put my own twist to them."

Candy picks up one of the melon breads to show that it looks like Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. (Picture above, yo can actually get that at Tokyo Disneyland.......I really want to try that actually)

"Mike Wazowski!" said Hannah.

An hour later they opened their presents. But halfway through.......... screaming came from Mabel and Justin's room.

"Mabel what's wrong?" Justin asked.

"My water just broke," said Mabel.

A few hours later they were in the hospital waiting for Mabel's baby to come out.

"Come on Mabel hurry up," said Justin.

"Justin don't worry it takes a while," said Pacifica.

"Who would of thought Mabel's gift to the twins would be their cousin," said Dipper.

"I want ice cream daddy," said Hannah.

Dipper picks her up.

"Were gong to the cafeteria, want anything?" Dipper asked.

"If they have Diet Pitt cola I'll take one," said Pacifica. 

"Okay," said Dipper.

Dipper and Hannah went to the café. They came back a little later with Pacifica's diet Pitt, and ice cream cones for Hannah, Noah, and Chloe.

While licking the frozen treat, Chloe's scoop fell onto the ground. Chloe then starts crying. Noah sees Chloe's predicament and gives her his ice cream cone.

"I think my son likes your daughter Candy," said Pacifica.

"Ooh I already here wedding bells," said Candy.

An hour later Mabel finally gave birth to her and Justin's baby boy, Lucas Izayah Crawford. 

"Looks like this cuts down on birthday's at our house," said Mabel.

"Aw wook at da baby," said Justin.

Lucas just giggles.

Mabel looks to the other side of the room to see her niece and nephew playing.

"Oh my gosh I knew there was something I forgot," said Mabel, "Hannah, Noah can you come over here for a second?"

Hannah and Noah walk over to their aunt.

"Sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday," said Mabel.

"What awe ooh tawking about Auntie Mabel?" Hannah asked.

"Our cousin is ouw gift," said Noah.

Mabel looked confused.

"Did your daddy tell you that?" Mabel asked.

"Guilty," said Dipper.

Everyone laughs.

A/N: That was a big event I know, alright see yo next time.

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