I. The Shifter✔

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Kael's POV

It was late in the evening with the wind blowing ever so gently against the trees, making the leaves rustle. The moon glowed behind painted clouds that moved ever so slightly. With this scenario, I would've hoped for a peaceful and relaxing night, but the moon had other plans.

My body was burning from overuse of combat against five men who wore black robes and white masks with red streaks over the eyes. The motive of their was still unknown to me as I bit into them in my lion form, making them retreat from whatever hell hole they came from. After leaving me with my own scars, I searched my house, hoping to find my parents in their shared office.

And I did, but my ears failed to hear a heartbeat from them and my eyes found sight of them on floor, with blood dampening our red carpet. The windows were opened; paperwork from their desks flew onto the floor, soaking itself with the scarlet blood. My heart beat loudly against my ears as a ringing sound broke me out of my trance. The telephone was ringing and I didn't want to get to it when I saw the men came back through the window, ready for another round with me.

I escaped and left the house turning back to my human form through the backyards of houses. It was better to go through this way rather than on the streets where I could easily be spotted. From afar, I could see that the empty streets were only illuminated by street lamps, houses felt empty with their lights off, and there were neatly-trimmed lawns. The neighborhood was asleep, surprisingly. No usual barking could be heard from their dogs, or even the meowing of their cats.

Anyone within the street would have heard the ruckus those killers made and the roar I poured my soul into, which was careless of me to do.

What if they were killed, too? Maybe, they were. That would be a fucking massacre.

I didn't want to check their houses; I had enough of seeing blood for today, assuming with the slight smell of it carried off by the wind.

Or is it my parents'?

I lowered my body, almost kneeling to the ground and arms raised forward, shifted into a cheetah. The only place I've thought on going was the old park where there was a pond to see my reflection. My body screamed at me to rest. Aching and sore, my wounds were healing slowly, since shifting to a form would cost me more energy. I felt my wounds itching to be sealed.

Finally, I made it to the gate of the park, jumped over it and landed gracefully. Narrowing my eyes, I spotted the pond near the other gate at the other side of the park. Being suspicious, I went there slowly, just in case if there were anyone around to try and end my life.

Making my way to the pond, I thought of my parents, killed, blood pouring from their bodies on the floor. They were wearing their fancy clothes from the formal dinner we had earlier this evening before I went to a house party. There were blood drying and bruises all over my form as I stared at my reflection in the pond, camouflaging with the black spots that I adored ever since I could remember.

When I had enough of looking at myself and not bother on cleaning, I raised my gaze and saw a woman outside the gates, walking alone in the dark. She looked familiar to me, but I couldn't lay a finger on who she was. Shifting immediately into an orange-striped cat, I narrowed my eyes at her.

What I could make out of her was her wearing a casual attire that consisted of white blouse covered with a leather jacket, washed out jeans, and black combat boots. Short hair framed her fair face as the wind blew gently against it.

She scanned the area of the park with her fast dark eyes, and squinted. I crouched into the grass to hide under her scrutiny. It looked like she was searching for something, or someone. Moving closer to her and away from the pond, I thought on how could a woman would be alone in the park. Using the tall grass as my curtain, I stared at her. Pebbles crunching under my little paws with each step, I kept my eyes on her, while trying not to get hit by something for not looking.

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