II. The Pure

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Media: "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance



Kelvin's POV

I've been laying on my bed ever since I got home from shopping with my family, which was tiresome, as usual. I bought four shirts and a pair of jeans.

Didn't think we would last more than five hours in the mall, though. We usually felt tired when we spent four and a half hours shopping for clothes and groceries, but mom suddenly decided to give fifty minutes more to my little brother and cousin to play in an arcade store.

I rose up from my bed and sat on the edge. Staring at my chubby form in the mirror, I wonder how I should lose this weight or even tell my mom about this strange thing that I discovered just a week ago.

I decided to go out and buy some milk for Mom in the morning. I went downstairs after I dressed myself up for the day, there was no school, though, since it was summer.

I opened our front door to only face two kids on their bikes, laughing at me as they threw rocks. Thankfully, those rocks didn't hit my face or the windows of my house but my legs which were exposed due to my denim shorts.

They rode on, still laughing and went to the route that I was supposed to take.

I didn't think that one of the rocks were sharp, it made my left leg bleed, just below my knee. I flinched when I wiped the blood off with my palms. Then, I slid my hands in my pockets. Ignoring them, I stepped out and walked to a store. While walking, I could feel my wounds itching, which made it hard on ignoring them and not touch them again.

When I reached the store, I held the handle and looked through the glass doors. Those two kids were in one of the aisles laughing, probably on how funny my face was when they threw the rocks.

I really don't want to hide from them, since I want to watch some movies in my bed after breakfast. So, I took a deep breath, release, then pulled the door open. I walked to the aisle where all the milk were stored and stopped when I saw the kids still laughing, but this time something was a little off.

The first kid was off. He was holding a rusty knife behind his back, in front of me.

'Why the fuck is he doing this inside a store?!'

But I was too late, he suddenly hugged the second boy and plunged the knife at his side. The scene shocked me, making me unable to move from my position as the second boy slumped to the floor.

The boy took off and ran, not even looking at the other boy that he hung with. The door rang, telling me that he escaped. I wonder why no one has come here yet or stopped that boy from running.

I walked to the second boy lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling, thinking that this might be his end, a stupid end. Getting closer to him, I felt angry, I don't know why. Why am I angry?

The boy finally noticed me, he looked guilty to see me. That made me even angrier, but I sent him a smile and knelt next to him. He's starting to bleed.

I raised the shirt of the boy and pressed my palm on his side. His face morphed into confusion, directing at me, but I still replied with a smile. I'm trying to stop his bleeding but I don't think I was helping since his eyes started to look heavy.

I felt sad for him, he might just wanted to have some fun and didn't think the rock would hit me and just land on our lawn. My heart was so heavy with sadness that I just want help him.

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