XVIII. Beloved

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Freia's POV

"You didn't tell them about what actually happened when we first met." I looked up from my spaghetti to see Kael staring down at his own food. He was munching on garlic bread, his favorite.

"They don't need to," I said, looking around us.

The group were talking by themselves, about the news in the Media Store, talking about this gorilla called Harambe, was it? I didn't care.

"As always, you never shared the truth," Kael said from beside me grabbed my own garlic bread and I glared, taking it back from him, finishing it before he could take it away from me again.

"I don't have to share it when they don't need it."

"Like that garlic bread you just ate?"

"It was mine to share it or not."

"What are you guys fighting about?" Carter asked, his plate was empty and a small spot below his lips had tomato sauce on it.

"My garlic bread." I handed Carter a tissue and pointed at my own chin to indicate that he had something on his.

"She's selfish," Kael commented.

"He's a thief," I spit back.

"Who stole your heart."

"And gave it back."

"No, I didn't. Someone else stole it from me."

"Nero?" Kelvin asked with a suggestive grin.

"Yes," I answered without thinking. But when I did realize, I clamped my mouth with my hand. They burst out laughing, but for some reason, I saw that Kael and Karl weren't genuine with their laughs.

Uh oh.

"So, you're talking about me?" He joined in from the end of the long table with a grin.

There he is.

"No. I'm talking about my beloved garlic bread," I said, bluntly, hoping that I wasn't blushing with how hot I felt and how my heart was beating up to my throat.

"Right. Want mine?"


And then everybody started repeatedly saying, "Sharing is caring."

"Oh my God, guys. Shut up," I mumbled.

A clicking of heels abruptly stopped them and I almost sighed in relief when they did. But when I raised my gaze to meet a particular girl with a defiant look made my stomach churn in a bad way. What was her name again?

"Freia," she greeted when she stopped in front of me by our table.

"Gina," I said, not entirely sure if that was her name, but I could hear my friends trying to stifle their laughs.

"My name's Luna."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, then a grin grew on my face. "I'm not very good with names, especially ones that aren't that important."

She turned red at that and placed her hands on her hips. "I came here to ask for a rematch."

"Since when did we have a match- Oh, now I remember," I feigned.

"Not only are you stupid, you're also forgetful."

"Not only are you pretty, but also gullible."

"I'm not gullible," she fumed.

"There's a spider on your head."

"Eek!" She hastily brushed her hair, extensions falling out after her fingers.

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