XII. Feelings

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Freia's POV

"Freia." Someone was calling my name, but I ignored them. "Freia." I still ignored them. "Freia!" I opened an eye to meet hazel ones. "We're dismissed. We can go now."

I pulled one leg off the bar I was hanging on, and then the other. Everyone stared at me as I landed soundlessly and stood a couple of seconds to get the blood circulating properly again.

We were in the training grounds, one week after the first class. I took a nap from a bar that no one used when Ms. Baldwin dismissed me early, earning me a couple of jealous stares and glares.

They were learning how to get over obstacles, like walls, tables, and such. There were bars that could let you climb up to higher platforms, and I was not far from the bottom.

"Why are you always sleeping in classes?" Cassie said, her eyes were filled with concerned. For the past week, I had the same dream and hallucination every night that I had to get to Fabio's office to ask more sleeping pills earlier.

"Dreams," I said simply, not looking at anyone's eyes. Pulling my bag on my shoulder, I walked a couple of steps to the door but stopped when no one was following me. I turned around and said, "Well?"

They all moved and surrounded me. I looked at all of them, noticing that Kelvin was all healed up, and that Nero wasn't with us.

Duh, he has friends.

I smacked myself mentally and continued walking the path to Shop Town. I looked at the sky, seeing faint lines of cobwebs that were very high up, forming a dome to the forest at our left, right, front and back.

The sun was shining down on us, nearing the center of the sky. It was a warm noon, making me think of going into the forest and sleep, or read the book that I was carrying in the bag.

We were finally in the bar. There were less people at this time but I knew the place would be packed a little later. We sat down at our usual corner and got into a conversation. A person was playing a lullaby on a piano, filling the atmosphere with coziness that made me want to go to bed again.

A question popped up in my head and I couldn't help myself and sound it out.

"Have you guys ever went out the walls?" I waited for them to respond and was about to give up when one of them answered.

"One kid did, actually," Molly answered after taking a bite from her salad. "She was never heard from again."

"Really?" The girls bobbed their heads as a confirmation. "What was her name?"

"Kathleen Rodriguez," Cassie answered while Molly ravished her salad. "We were all 9 years old at that time. The administrator said that she got kicked out for crossing the walls."

That's Kat's name. She was here?

I tried to compose myself and not freak out that my best friend was an old student here. She never told me about this, not even being in a school with students that have peculiar abilities. I remembered my argument with Kael, and silently cursed at Karma.

What goes around, comes around.

"So, you guys auditioned yesterday," Karl started, he was sitting beside Tristine, sharing a glass with her. "How was it?"

"Scary." My answer.

"It was fine." Carter's answer.

"Carter didn't get the role, though," I added. The boy only shrugged his shoulders, taking a potato slice from a basket.

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