XV. A Joke

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Clarence's POV

I left the infirmary with excitement and fear bubbling in my stomach.

Excitement, because my master will finally be able to remember me. Fear, because she might turn worse when she knows the truth about her own biological family. She was already suffering from her best friend's death, she will go through another when she learns about her mother.

I knew where to go, of course. A report should be given to Michael immediately about his godchild's condition.

I closed my eyes and the familiar atmosphere greeted me. A smile made it's way on my face as cold air hit my cheeks.

"Get that creepy smile of yours off of that face before I'll wipe it off myself." Michael.

My cheeks went higher at the sound of his irritating voice as I opened my eyes. He was sitting on his chair alone at the head of his long meeting table in his workplace. His blonde hair slicked back and face didn't make any wrinkles despite how much he frowns at the absence of the Walsh family.

But he does smile at Willow, the only Walsh member he could get to meet everyday.

He was holding up a file to read and only stopped when I arrived. A glass of champagne sat in front of him, I knew too well that Zabrina have suggested the brand for his drink of the day.

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Don't be formal. You have a reason to be here and I told you to never come back unless you bring me something good."

"Oh, but I do bring great news," I chirped. "Freia's regaining her memories at the moment."

Michael raised a bushy brow. "Are you sure you're not lying?"

"When have I ever lied to you?" I said after I rolled my eyes.

"That's a joke that I would never laugh at."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," I repeated. My mood turned sour on how he made me go back to the days that I, myself, helped Fabio's dirty plans.

"Is she sleeping right now?" He asked, his eyes hopeful. The last time I saw those emotion in him was when Willow laughed at one of my jokes.

"Yes. She almost drowned and that triggered her blockage."

"I see." I saw a slight tilt at the edge of his lips and his eyes softened. "You can go back now."

I bowed and closed my eyes. My ears met the familiar sound of Freia's slow breathing. I made my way to her and checked her temperature and pulse again. She wasn't having any fever, and her heart was beating regularly.

My eyes fell to her hands that were connected to Nero's. His forehead on the side of her bed in an uncomfortable position. I turned his head more to his left so that his right cheek was now touching the bedsheets. I smiled, knowing he was going to suffer a stiff neck when he wakes up.

I simply do not like him with Freia because he was not trained to control his emotions. Once, he burned down the entire dorm of the males, forcing them to stay in the classrooms and sleep there until the staff have to rebuild it. I interrogated him on what made him burn the building, but he only curled himself in a corner, refusing to talk to anyone for a few days.

He almost burned a part of the forest behind the Walsh's manor just because he found out that Freia left him when he was 10.

He will get Freia hurt someday and I don't want that. Just like when he made her walk over his flames when Nero was a little overjoyed to see her.

I looked around, noting how only Nero was the one who stayed at her side. Maybe, he could make her happy while her supposed friends leaves her.

Her friends.

I closed my eyes and appeared at the Rodriguez's household in Preternia. A squeal sounded and I instinctively opened my eyes, only to be met with a slap.


"So, you're telling me she's with that bastard," Kat hissed as she rubbed her wet hair with a towel. Her oversized shirt covering her shorts. I arrived at Kat's room while she was changing.

"Yes," I answered, not looking anywhere but her chest that was pointy for some reason. You readers know why.

"And you know this because.....?" Cedric trailed off, expecting me to connect a sentence. He arrived here when Kat shouted for his name outside her door. He came rushing with his eye glasses upside down on his face and his hair messy.

"I was in the school. Duh," I stated like it was the obvious.

"Right. Because you're a teacher, so untypical of you," Cedric looked up at the ceiling, as if in thought until his eyes lit up. He looked at me with a brow raised, "So, are the students liking your sadistic punishments?"

"I'm sure they do," I chirped, decided to play along with his games.

"Alright, before we can get off topic," Kat picked up a brush and looked through the mirror. "Is she okay?"

"What do you mean by okay?"

"She saw our faces at the church."

I walked around, looking at her collection of stuff toys on her shelves and my eyes landed on her different versions of Bibles. "She's handling herself pretty well, so far."

"I hope she can," she started to brush her long jetblack hair, a frown lined her lips. "There will be a time where she will explode for the years of her pent up emotions."

"Does that happen to people?" I asked, acting oblivious to the fact that I myself have mental issues. Sometimes.

"Yes. Too often than you would imagine, sadist." She placed her brush on her dresser and jumped on her bed, face first in her pillows.

Cedric joined her, but he decided to purposely have his arms hit the back of her head. She groaned and pushed her brother off of her bed, but gave up when he wasn't budging.

"Well, I'm leaving. Send my regards to your parents." My eyes closed all on their own and the second I opened them they started to adjust to the darkness of the room.

I peered out of the window and saw that the moon was high up the sky. It dawned on me that the island moved too fast and it was night time. I whirled around and saw that Nero was still here with Freia.

I pulled out a chair and sat on the other side of Freia, my body felt heavy from all the traveling I did. The most hateful thing I do was traveling, funny how my 'gift' did nothing but tire me more.

I let my head hung and before I realized, I dozed off at the memory of the bond ceremony with Freia as a baby.

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