XVII. Mine

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Carter's POV

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked Marius incredulously. We were in a public restroom for males that was built at a corner of Shop Town and we were lucky enough to find it empty.

"Keep talking, Carter." Marius leaned against the wall, drinking the image of me up and down with his slanted grey eyes. I almost mistaken them for white.

"Just because you're my boyfriend doesn't mean that you get to share my secrets. They're mine to tell."

"Carter. Carter. Carter, my sweet baby. I'm not patient enough to tell the world that you're mine and mine alone. And that means I could spend all of my time with you, kissing you," he strode towards me and wrapped his arms around me. "Hugging you. And we can gradually have sex, if you want to."

I blushed and he turned us around, making me see my red face and the back of his head in the mirror. We were of the same height, so my chin rested on his shoulder, filling my nose with his lovely cologne. He stepped forward and I stumbled backward until we were inside the very last stall.

Steps entering the room filled the silence when Marius kicked the door closed, giving us privacy. He started to peck my neck and I struggled to keep my composure under the touch of his cold lips.

"I will come out to them. Just wait a little longer," I mumbled, hearing the steps vanishing from outside.

He stopped kissing me and I breathed in a sigh of relief. "Okay, care-bear. But can you at least stop hanging with them. Especially that Freia girl. You've been spending an awful lot of time with her."

"Are you seriously getting jealous over a girl?" I stepped back, trying to get a better look at him.

"Not just any girl. She's a bitch coming for you, Carter. I can feel it," he hissed.

"Marius, I can handle myself. And I feel sorry for her since she's been getting through a lot of things."

"And by things, you mean murder?" His lips turned into a smirk, giving his face a dark look. I tilted my head, confused as to what he was on about. A part of me told me that what he was saying might be exactly what it was. Murder. He laughed and opened the door. "Oh, she never told you?"

"What are you talking about?" I didn't move when he disappeared out of my line of vision.

"You know where my dorm is, Carter." He stepped out of the restroom and his footsteps faded away.

He left me standing in the same stall until I finally forced myself to move. Shock was still evident on my face when I looked at myself in the mirror.

A dark head popped out from my shoulder, smiling.

"Nice boyfie. Do you want to know my input on this?" It said, staring at me with its red eyes. I shook my head as a response, not willing myself to speak. "Why not? Oh whatever! He's just using you anyways. Remember what your classmate said? He had a crush on Hunter for years! And you look just like him, except-"

"Your eyes." My head snapped to the voice and saw Kelvin standing beside me. His face was filled with concern and I smiled at him. "You're crying."

"Oh. Uh," I quickly wiped my cheeks and stared at myself in the mirror. It wasn't there anymore. "So, what are you doing here?"

"Not much. Just wondering around. Why were you crying in here, though? Did Marius say anything to you?"

"He said nothing. Was that his name? Marius?" I asked, acting like I didn't know my own boyfriend.

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