XIX. Drop Dead, Red Head

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"In a land far away, a boy found a princess wandering alone in a small town after an argument with the king, her brother. They talked and laughed and did everything together, thinking that they were the best of friends.

One day, they finally knew that they fell in love, but the king did not approve for the boy was a mercenary. The king banned his sister from ever going out to fence with the townspeople, the only freedom that she had and enjoyed.

One night, a group of criminals burst into the royal castle. The boy and the king dueled against each other. In the heat of the moment, the boy confessed that he was the rightful king for the queen was his sister, and that he and his sibling had the royal blood.

Not believing him, the king thrust his sword towards the boy, but the princess ran in between them. The sword pierced her heart and she collapsed to the floor, the boy holding her.

The king cried and blamed the boy for her death. Unbeknownst to him, the boy's mercenaries were behind him, swords at hand and slashed his neck, beheading the king. They cheered and danced while one held the king's head and the other the queen's.

On that night of their revolution, the boy, now king, cried endlessly for his princess. Until, he finally given up hope and drank his poison that he asked for." - script writer of the play, "For Love."


"Here," a black short dress was handed to me. "That should do."

I gave Molly a bored look. "I'm not going."

"Take a shower, too. You should feel refreshed."

"I said I'm not going."

"Boys would drop dead when they see you in this."


"I heard you." She made eye contact through her hand mirror, coating her lashes with mascara. "And I don't want to leave you alone."

"I'm fine by myself. And I don't think I would faint tonight. I'm staying in here anyways." Irritation was evident in my voice.

"Right. You've said that before and you fainted on the floor anyways," Tristine sarcastically commented, brushing her teeth as she held up a coral blue dress.

Five hours ago, our two-hour play ended. The whole High School Department planned on making a party for everyone involved in the drama. But I did not get why we had to celebrate while we just finished the event Foundation Day.

They say that the play was a success, I say it was fantastic. Hunter has done a great job in acting as his character, protective of his sister. He even cried real tears at the end. Nero worked hard on expressing how his character felt and how precised the character's footwork in sword fighting. And then the extras who took part as mercenaries really took me by surprise how they enjoyed battling against the two boys.

As I've heard, it would be pretty much a costume party since today was October 31, Halloween. While the idea of wearing a costume excited me, the knowledge of having the whole school in a gym would just give me a migraine.

"But I'm lazy," I whined, laying on the bed. I added, "But please, bring me food."

"I'll ask Nero if he's going or not so he could babysit his girlfriend," Cassie suggested, placing her handbag on her bunk.

"That's a great idea." She walked out of my line of vision with her dead face and ragged dress.

"The girlfriend is you, Freia," Tristine said, her zombie face reminding me of Alex's.

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