X. Irritation

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Freia's POV

Days passed with a blur of students gossiping about me and my friends. Mostly about me using Kael for popularity. Other one is how Nero saved me and how lucky I was to be saved by The Dark Prince. People would stare at me with jealousy and tried to talk to me. But I would ignore them or politely decline their invitation to hang with them.

The nurse let Kael leave the infirmary after I visited him, seeing that he was alright. Everyday, him and Carter would leave early in the morning and after class sweating from head to toe.

I found Carter's love for Disney hilariously understandable, even though he was much of a sarcastic asshole when he's around other people. He would invite me to watch Big Hero 6 everytime I paid a visit in their dorm. He recited each line in the movie, which I found very entertaining. He had a sweet tooth for sugar, which I joined to indulge in.

In other words, he was a child in my eyes, but a mature young adult in others'. And I might be the same.

Today was Saturday. And the girls and I were preparing to leave the dorm to go to the training grounds.

A staff member delivered leather clothes a day before. They were my training clothes. Leather pants, jacket, boots, and gloves. A black turtle neck was also included.

I wore them all before I waited for the girls to finish their make-up and routines. While I stared at the ring that Clarence gave me on my finger, I sat comfortably on a couch, irritated that they said five minutes for the fourteenth time. We weren't running late, but I wanted to explore the school grounds with less people roaming.

Tristine plopped beside me and tried to wrestle me but she only got herself locked between me and the couch. She giggled and I let her go, an amused smile displayed on my lips at her loss.

"I sometimes forgot that you're a girl," Tristine muttered as she sat upright. I feigned shock at what she said and stood up.

"How dare you?" I said in a Posh accent as I had one of my hands laid to my chest. Tristine giggled more and got up. Sizing me, she had her hands on her waist while looking down at me.

"How dare you?" She mimicked and walked past me. She strode in the kitched and opened the fridge. She had her head down as she said in her normal voice, "You should probably bring some water."

"Get some for me, please," I said as I heard soft foot steps coming towards me.

I craned my neck to see the twins all suited up, with all the leather and make-up. Standing up, I swayed a little bit as I looked down and held my head in my hand to convince them that I wasn't okay.

"Are you alright, Freia?" Molly's worried voice echoed as she walked over to me, her arms raised towards me. Just as she was about to stop before me, I fell into her arms and placed the back of my hand on my forehead.

"Too.... hot," I whispered to her as my eyes squinted at the ceiling. She let go of me and her worried face turned into an irritated one. I caught myself before I could hit the floor.

"You should stop scaring us." She glared at me as I sat back on the couch. "You've been doing this all week."

"Stop worrying about me." I tried mocking her. "You've all been doing this all week."

"There's nothing wrong with worrying."

"And there's nothing wrong with trusting." She was silent at that. "I'll be doing fine, guys. Just don't leave me alone."

"You all got your IDs, right?" Cassie cut in, not really liking the mood to argue.

We all nodded and left.

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