VI. Confusion

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Kael's POV

I left her in the party. I shouldn't have. She would've been in danger for being alone with tons of strangers. But I knew that she could handle herself.

Remembering the times she had wrestled with me made me smile a little bit. She sure did have a lot of strength. I showed her my butterfly knife before, she knew how to handle a single knife, even against me.

As I walked to Rebecca's house, I wondered how I'm going to make 'friends' in this school that they call Preternatural Academy School. Funded by the government and students trained by professional people who each has an ability themselves. To sum it all up, it's a school for 'special' kids who have 'unnatural' abilities.

I opened the front door to the house and was greeted with Rebecca's voice arguing on the phone. She looked really pissed off.

Taking my shoes off at the door step, I saw her slamming the telephone down with irritation. Her hair was in a bit of a mess, and her clothes were wrinkled a bit.

She was in thought as I pushed the door widely. Just when I placed my foot in the room, she snapped up to see me coming in. Her soft smile now replaced her frown that she had previously.

She walked up to me and pulled me into an embrace.

"I hope you said your good byes to them," she whispered and let go of me. I sat on the couch in the living room as she did at the armchair in front of me. "You remind me so much of my son, though, you don't look the same. He's just a year older than you."

She took the steaming cup from the little table that was separating us, sipping on the contents of it and exhaled a sigh of content. She continued to talk about her son.

"He's in that school that you're about to attend. I hope you could be friends with him and get him out of there," she said as she smiled at me, her eyes brimming with tears.

I looked around the place but not on the woman. Never have I been in a situation where I have to try to comfort a person, especially when it's a female. Maybe, it's because I always hung with people who had everything kept to themselves, especially Freia and Kat.

But I have to think of her request. Befriend her son and try to get him out of there in exchange of her as my adoptive parent.

The most ridiculous thing is that I don't know much about her. All she told me were her name and that she had a business running and swore that it's not illegal. She said that she was close friends with my parents and was about to visit them, but she was too late. And I only seldom heard her name being mentioned by my parents when they were alive.

I was still not able to trust her to be my guardian, though she had papers done days after my parents were murdered.

As I stared at her, her eyes still brimming with tears, I exhaled a sigh and finally made my decision.

"I'll do it," she blinked and smiled, "Just don't ever try to betray me." I stared at her with my eyes narrowed. But her smile never faltered.

She stood up and ran around the table. She hugged me tightly and started crying, then started laughing heartily. I almost thought that this woman is crazy.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said repeatedly and let go of me.

Before she could compose herself, a bright light shined throughout the room, blinding the both of us. I shielded my eyes with the back of my hand as I tried to think on what the heck was going on. When the light died down, Rebecca started to chuckle as I heard light footsteps coming towards us. I looked up to see a blonde man in his twenties. He wore casual clothes, a t-shirt and jeans with running shoes.

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