XIII. Team

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"Freia, come with me." I looked up from the book and saw Clarence standing at the doorway. I was in the living room, resting before I could leave tonight.

"What is it now?" I flipped the page irritably, almost ripping the very edge of it. Feeling sorry for the paper, I tried to smoothen the wrinkle and cooed, "Oh no, my baby."

"It's not a life vessel, Freia," Clarence said dryly. I closed the book, returning the stare I was given to him.

"What do you want?" I stood up and walked over to him.

"Since you're leaving tonight, I have the honor to escort you and your group to the armory."

"What the actual- why do we have an armory? In school grounds?" I whispered in disbelief. I glanced around the room, checking if the girls were listening. They were all busy making dinner, except for Cassie who was sketching some bizarre creature in the bunk room. Clarence pulled me out of the room and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, we have an armory, which is a fact that should not be shared among students who doesn't go on missions for Fabio," Clarence whispered back, letting go of my arm as he leaned against the door.

"I can't believe this." I paced back and forth in front of Clarence. "Why does Nero do these missions? And do these students have their parent's consent?"

Clarence lips turned into a thin line and his hands gestured that he was zipping his mouth and tossed the key at the side.

"Can you get Nero out of this?" I asked, worried for the boy. I didn't want him to get killed. Or tortured. I don't want anything to get Nero hurt.

"Why the concern for the boy?" Clarence asked while a smirk developed on his lips.

"Answer me," I said, ignoring what he had said.

"Jeez, so commanding," he sang. "I can."

"You can?" I echoed.

"On one condition," he raised a finger, "you have to stop being around him."

"Why does everyone want to seperate me from Nero?" I whined. This is just too stupid.

"For your own safety, my dear," he grinned. "You can start tonight, but only talk to him when it's necessary."

Like, confessing to him about your feelings is necessary.

Shut up.

"Okay," I huffed, feeling every negative emotion all at the same time, "please, have Fabio stop getting Nero."

"Yes, dear. I'll do what I can," Clarence smiled sadly at me, he held my arm gently, "Let's go."

My eyes closed all on its own, and when I opened them we were in a very bright room. The walls, as expected, were decorated with every type of guns, every type of blades, whips, staffs, and explosives. The walls were lined with lights, showcasing the weapons like they were prizes to have.

I looked around more, not bothered that Clarence left, and saw that there was a wall that had white closet doors on it. When I was near it, I slid it open and was greeted with the smell of new leather.

The closet had training clothes hanged, boots on the bottom of the drawers, and pants were folded on shelves. I opened the drawers to see belts with holsters and pouches.

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