XXII. Going Places

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Clarence's POV

"Aren't you supposed to be with Freia?"

I opened an eye as I took a puff from the cigarette. Surprised, I stared at Emesthea Baldwin dressed in black, sparkling, long dress. It suited her, with her red wavy hair tied up in a messy bun with a slim black ribbon, a couple of strands framed her face. A pair of silver earrings pinned to her ears and a black strap laid on her neck like a choker with a teardrop pendant hanging at the center.

"She doesn't like me," I reasoned, the smoke relieving my aching pain in my lungs for my master.

"Why?" Her bloody red lips made me hesitate from answering for a second.

"She remembers that one memory of me killing her dog," I said, sadness seeping from a corner of my mind.

Emesthea frowned and Nero appeared in my sight, walking hastily towards our direction and getting through the crowds. I looked around the room for the others, Hunter and Marius near the entrance of the door, Spectra with a waiter near the stage, smiling, and Freia; she was seating on a chair, her head in her hands, her elbows on the table. She looked fine, until she looked up. Her face was paler than before, her eyes red. It looked like she cried.

Emesthea spoke up, "Have you ever wondered why Sir Hunter released a monstrum at the training grounds?"

I shook my head, surprised. I have not heard of this. "What? Were the students around? What happened?"

"Yes, kids were there. And I'm not sure what he was thinking. Freia killed it though, even made sure to burn everything."

I felt impressed. The first time I tried to kill one of those, I had trouble since it was a feral cat. I always had a sort of weakness for cats, and since I kept one and took care of her for awhile. "What animal was it?"

"A lioness."

"Guys, Freia's having trouble again," Nero said when he was near enough. "She keeps saying that she saw this girl called Kathleen or Kat. Not sure."

I glanced at the girl with the red dress. She was mixing in the crowd, alone. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't see her," Nero said, waving at Emesthea. "Hello, Miss Baldwin."

"Hello, Mr. William," she greeted back.

Nero neared me, whispering, "Why is she here?"

I shrugged, not really knowing the answer, too. "Did Fabio invite you here, Em?"

She nodded, her cautious eyes aimed at Nero. "Yes."

My eyes went back to Freia, her eyes now on Cedric playing the bass guitar in the band, they widened and she stood up, shaking and hesitant. She was walking towards the entrance, leaving the elite drunk and pathetic on the same table. Hugging herself, she ignored the two students standing at the doorway.

"Excuse me," I said.

Before I left them, I heard Emesthea say to Nero, "Wanna dance?"

When I was near the door, I heard Kat's heels clacking casually. I met the two boys' eyes, Hunter's hinted worry, while Marius' only met mine for acknowledgment to his superior. His body was close to Hunter's, like he usually was when he was around Carter, which I always found strange.

I went through the big doors and turned to a corner that led a beautiful garden. Kat's heels went silent but I felt her presence went the other way to a longer path to the garden.

Through the small maze of tall hedges, I found Freia sitting on a marble bench. She was looking at the pond filled with koi fish in black, white, and some red. Her face was wistful, then I remembered that her cousin, Peter, was a big fish lover.

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