III. The Thinker

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Media: "Maya The Psychic" by Gerard Way


Karl's POV

Warmth. I just love the warmth of summer. Especially, when I take my usual walk to the vinyl store once a month. There's also less people there since technology has advanced through the years. With the help of aliens, of course, we can't forget about them.

When I pushed the door open, it chimed, signaling a new customer.

I waved to the old employee, Sandy. She's been here since I was a toddler. She was an intern at the time and decided to work here since she learned to love the store so much. She always has a smile on her face while listening to jazz music playing on her vinyl player.

My father used to take me here just to buy his favorite artist's album when he gets to have enough savings. Mom was so into music as father was that she even gave some of her savings to him to buy since they used to love the same artists.

The store had wooden walls that was covered with vinyls and posters of famous artists. Sandy and her husband, the owner, kept this place in good shape despite the small amount of customer that comes in everyday.

I went to an aisle that I'm always familiar with and pulled out a vinyl that I always wanted. On the cover was a man wearing a blue suit with a red tie that matches his hair. His skin is pale and he has a ring on his left ring finger. He's looking away from the camera, though, showing how beautiful he is.

I smiled at the artist knowing full well that he is happy with his family for I have loved this man ever since he was in his late band (no homo).

Walking to the cashier, I thought on what I should do next since there's still a month left for summer vacation.

When I handed the vinyl to Sandy, she smiled at me and I did the same to her. She looked at the cover of the vinyl and her smile grew.

"He's a great guy and he loves his people on his own WAY," She looked like she was saving that pun for a long time, I laughed either way.

"Yeah," I chuckled and paid for the item.

"Now, get home, kiddo," she says, shooing me away with her hand gesturing to the door of the store.

"Yes, grandmas," I replied with a smirk. She attempted to slap me on my shoulder but I backed away just in time.

"I'm not that old!" She yelled and then laughed at me while I walked to the door.

"Sure, Sandy!" I yelled back before stepping outside.

I walked down the street to our apartment. Wondering if my mom would be early to cook for dinner, I hummed a song that was in my head ever since I woke up. I walked past a suspicious looking man leaning on a wall of a building.

Didn't really think anything but how I excited I was to play, until I was suddenly dragged by the suspicious man to an alley.

'Three times in less than a month? Sheesh, this city is getting dangerous.'

"Gimme your money," The man said, typically, as he held a knife against my throat.

"I don't have any," I said honestly. I'm not even scared of him, especially with that knife he's holding. Mom should be the one I'm scared of if she finds out that I lowered my guard down for this lowlife.

"Gimme that vinyl, then," He held out his other hand and expected me to give it to him immediately.

"Look, man, I saved so much money for my own pleasure, which is rare for me to do," I said, irritated that I have to deal with another criminal.

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