VIII. Developing Questions

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Freia's POV

There was a booming sound that echoed from the hallway outside the classroom. Everyone perked up when they heard it. The teacher stopped them from standing up with just a gesture of her hand and they all slammed to their sits. I looked at Karl who squirmed in his seat beside me. The teacher left and locked the door behind her. I only stared at it dryly.

"Can you stand?"


"I hate that teacher sometimes."

My classmates were whining in their chair as they whirled around to see if the other were also stuck. They also tried to carry their chairs but failed when they saw that they were glued to the floor.

"We're fucked."

"What even happened?"

"Is it Nero?"

"He's back?"

"He might be fighting someone."

"I can't believe I'm missing the scene."

Curiously, I stood up and didn't feel like I was pulled down or glued to my chair. Karl's eyes widened to see me being able to stand with no ease.

"Is it okay if you can see what the commotion's about?" Karl asked with alarmed eyes as another boom echoed loudly in the halls.

All eyes were suddenly turned on me, surprised to see me standing as they all were glued to their chairs and other tried to crane their neck to look at me.

"Sure." I strode to the door as the students grumbled and whined when I passed them.

When I opened the door, another boom sounded loudly, but this time vibration came along with it. It's closer now. I stepped out and a scorching fire passed by me from my right before I could take another step. My eyes followed the fire to where it was going and the teachers were stopping other students from entering the hall I was in. Our teacher, who glued my classmates to their chairs, were there also to help, pushing the students pack slowly and gently with her palms facing them.

"Freia!" Someone yelled. My head turned to the direction of the voice and saw Clarence waving wildly at me as he tried to come over to me. He was at the other end of the hall.

Carter suddenly appeared before him and pushed him back as another wave of fire were thrown at their direction. Carter raised his hands up and created a thick ice wall against the wave of fire. The fire died when it rolled against the ice. Carter shattered the wall down with a gesture of his hand. He now shielded a cheetah with his wall.

But the cheetah didn't appreciate the given protection and jumped over it only to get scorched by the fire. The poor animal fell to the floor with a small thud. Carter now focused on the boy who had his hands on fire. He was staring at Carter with a hard glare and threw a fire ball at him. Carter made a small shield in front of him as he covered his forearms with ice. He stared at them, his eyes widening. Then he elongated them until it was formed into sword and the other a shield.

Clarence showed up beside me and watched the scene unfold in front of us as he had a faint smile on his face. He reminds me of Remus now.

"How were you able to get out of Emesthea's hold?" Clarence asked as I saw that the boy's sleeves were scorched.

"I don't know." I realized that he was the same boy that I saw at the library's garden.

"I didn't know that you can be dense." I turned my head sharply at that. I glared at him and wondered if my power was actually resisting someone's hold on me was one. And that if it actually existed. But it might be Ms. Baldwin's carelessness.

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