IV. The Prince

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Media: Mama by My Chemical Romance



Carter's POV

Waking up with a sore body made me not want to move at all, but then my phone rang. A sudden smile grew on my face, already knowing who would call me this early in the morning. I sat up and ruffled my short hair. I picked up the phone on my night stand and answered without looking at the caller's ID.

"Congrats on winning your gold medal!" Lea, my online bestie, screamed at me, successfully got rid of my sleepiness.

"Thanks, Lea. You watched me play?" I asked while I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Nah," she said carelessly.

'What a friend to have.'

"But it's all over my feed, though." I could hear some ruffling from her side. "You and your team won!" she shrieked, her voice was so piercing. I had to pull my head away from the phone.

"Girl, let me shower and we'll talk on Skype, if you're not busy," I suggested to her because of how my body ached so much.

"OK! Talk in a few, then," she said in a cheery voice, then the line cut.

I went in the shower and let the warm water hit my head. I stood there for a few minutes before I finally moved to clean myself.

When I've finished taking a steamy shower, I walked out and stood in front of the mirror. I thought of the events that took place yesterday, how I defeated the eldest son of the rival family.

I remembered that I was questioned by a man if I was actually gay or not, but my mother pushed me in a hurry to receive the medal. So we went out the building without answering any questions and said our goodbyes to my team quickly.

Just a thought on how I should open up to them always made me panic, but this time, it's different.

The room felt cold, super cold, but it didn't bother me.

Now that I noticed it, everywhere I go and the weather and seasons changes, they don't make me shiver or fan myself for how hot the day is. And I prefer the cold even more than the hotness of the sun.

But I still went to my dark thoughts and the room felt even colder. I could see the razor and the scissors in the cabinet, just right inside the drawers, below the counter of the vanity. My hand itched for me to grab them, my wrists tingled me to slash them open again, again, and again.

And then, a knock sounded from my bedroom door that snapped me out of my thoughts. I dropped the scissors I don't remember picking up from the opened drawers.

I scanned the room to check if I've done something else besides attempting to cut myself, only to find ice and frost all over the floor, tub, mirror, and everything else.

Remembering that there was someone waiting for me at my door, I pulled myself together and went out of the bathroom, closed and cold.


I've been talking to Lea for over an hour now while I sat on my bed and ate breakfast that was delivered to me by one of our maids. Hair still wet, I didn't bother on drying it.

"The score was 31 and 30? Wow, that was close," she said in awe, staring at the wall behind her laptop, she was also on her bed.

"You know, I almost died out there. I didn't want to, because I wanted to tell you something." I pulled a sad face and let my gaze set on anything but the screen and the camera.

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