IX. Developing Questions Part 2

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Carter's POV

The door opened with a bang as I wrote the last sentence on my notebook that I copied from the black board. I looked up and saw a tall boy, a tad shorter than Kael, walk in with his hands in his pockets and his smile playing lazily on his lips. His backpack was hanging on one of his shoulders as he went to an empty chair that was beside Kael, who was beside me watching the boy with a brow lifted.

Whispers of girls and boys were filling the room's atmosphere as they stared at the boy with hungry eyes, that were mostly from the girls. Most boys were looking at him with envy, but some were also looking at the boy with the same hunger as the girls.

The boy was about to hang his bag at the side of the table when a piece of chalk hit the back of his head. He paused and finally hung his bag on the side, he turned around and saw that Clarence was the one who threw the chalk. Clarence smirked while the boy only had an unamused expression.

"Where are your manners, Nero?" Clarence asked as he turned back and sat on his chair at the teacher's desk.

"I don't know." Nero sat on the chair and sighed. "Why don't you find them for me?"

"You were also absent yesterday. Mind if you tell me?"

Nero stood up and strode over to the teacher's desk. He was taller than Clarence, so he had to look down at the teacher who's sitting on his chair. They talked with their voices low and people started to wonder what they were talking about.

Since I was done with copying and Clarence were finished discussing, I pulled out my sketchbook and tried to draw one of my favorite character from a video game that I played. While I was sketching the figure, Kael suddenly perked up beside me. I looked at him to see that his eyes were on Clarence and Nero. I, too, watched the two boys. Clarence got up and his eyes landed on me.

"Carter," he called out, "would you mind coming with us?"

I looked at Kael with questioning eyes, he replied with a shrug. "Uhh, sure."

Clarence, me, and Nero all walked out of the room as I heard whispers, mostly about us and what would happen. I held the door to close it when we all got out, but before the door could close completely, it was suddenly swung open. Kael stood there holding the door knob. I looked past him to see a student doing a hand stand with others crowding around him.

"Can I join in?" Kael asked Clarence.


"Why the hell are they here?" Nero asked, confused.

"For precautions," Clarence said as he slid his gloved covered hand in his pockets. I noticed that the tips of his fingers were shining.

"Look, all I wanted to know the reason why Freia is here." Nero leaned against the wall as he looked at Clarence with pleading eyes.

"Why are we talking about her?" Kael butted in.

"And why am I here?" I added.

Clarence held his hand up as if to shut us up. He had finger less gloves on and a disk was at the back of his hand. Wires lined up from the disk to his metal covered finger tips. I was unfamiliar with the object, so I could only assume that the device that he had in his hands were for like making spider webs, which was unlikely.

"One question at a time." He turned to Nero. "She's here because her powers are showing and her father noticed. So, she had her here."

"What do you mean her powers are showing?" Nero asked in disbelief. "Wasn't I told that her powers were wiped out along with her memories?"

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