Ask Eleven ✨ Balls Fired

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Hiya!~ I'm back!
It took me time to realize this Leon photo
I have just realized by now...
That in this photo...
Leon's giving us the 'F-You' finger 😂😂 XD


Autumn: Awww! Where is KomaHina?

Naegi: KomaHina?

Autumn: You know? Komaeda and Hinata.

Naegi: Oh.

Togami: Since those two... peasants aren't here, I'll be reading the ask from now on.

Naegi: Sorry Togami but... *quickly snatches the paper from Togami* I'LL be the one.

Kirigiri: *snickers*

Naegi: AHEM. It's for OH... Leon.

Kuwata: Oh for me?

Naegi: Well the question is...



▫️ Ask for Leon: If girls notices you a lot then, why did you got hit so many balls in the face?


Autumn: Wow *slowly claps* I see what you did there... Totally.

Kuwata: Hey! Many chicks totally love a badass baseball star... *points to himself with a pose* Such as ME.

Hiyoko: Pft! Then why you got hit so much balls in the face?

Kuwata: Huh? Isn't Monokuma the one who hit me with his balls?

Everybody else: *facepalms*

Hiyoko: *laughs so hard*

Mahiru: Hiyoko!

Kuwata: E-Eh... What's so funny?

Hiyoko: Nothing! *still laughing*

Autumn: Um, you didn't quite answered the question Leon.

Kuwata: Yes I did. Anyway, Sayaka's waiting for me outside so bye! *skips away with a confused look*

Celeste: Well I guess that is that. Perhaps leave us an ask or a dare.

Monokuma: Hey! When I'm gonna be in my original form again?!

Autumn: After for... um, three asks perhaps?

Monokuma: ... This is stupid


>> Monokumi! 1/3 asks <<

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