Ask Fifteen ✨ KuzuPeko!

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Blop, blop, blop! Bloppity blop! I'm back! Bloop blop blop!


Autumn: Hello guys! Welcome back!

Junko: Aaahh!~ Even for a despairful girl like me, many people loves me!

Hiyoko: Many people loves you for being a b*tch. I know many people loves me than you!

Autumn: For being a short foul-mouthed cry baby? Yeah sure.

Hiyoko: Hey! That's totally the opposite of me! Making insults... Pft, no wonder you got no fans!

Autumn: ... ... ... *slits Hiyoko's throat*

Hiyoko: *coughs out blood then collapses then dies*

Autumn: The ask's for Kuzur... Kuzuri- No, Kuzeriyu... Oh forget it, FOR BABY FACE!

Fuyuhiko: I'm not a baby!

Autumn: Did I said it's you?

Fuyuhiko: Sort of.

Autumn: Well, it's actually you. Anyway, the question for you is...



▫️Ask: So Fuyuhiko, what's your favorite thing about Peko?


Fuyuhiko: Everything. Her eyes, her hair... her pretty smile that makes my heart melt... The way she talks that made my heart beating so fast... The way... She's just being herself... Also, I admire her, protecting me in some fights at all cost... Even though I keep on telling her that I don't need help... She's just... so beautiful. So beautiful that whenever she talks or smile, my heart suddenly raced and the world stopped moving with all the people with what they're doing... She's so beautiful in many ways... And I won't, no. I will NEVER EVER F*CKING NEVER let anyone take her away from me.

Autumn: *slowly claps with tears*

Junko: What a looooong cheesy speech! Seriously! The person's just asking you what's your favorite thing from the samurai!

Teruteru: You love her eyes, her hair, and her smile...? But you don't love her bras and panties? Not even her boobs? Such a shame!

Fuyuhiko: Bastard! *kicks Teruteru into the volcano*

Peko: F... Fuyuhiko... *blushes*

Autumn: Awwww~ I'm so happy for you *sniffs* two... But, where's Naegi, Hajime, and Nagito?

-meanwhile in the fandom-

Girl 1: You can have Naegi while Komaeda's mine!

Girl 2: NO! You can have Naegi and Hajime while I will have Komaeda.

Girl 3: Imbeciles! Komaeda's mine!

Girl 4: Where's Naegi? I can't see him anywhere! I have to bring him to my home!

Girl 5: F*ck your home! Naegi and I must marry!

Girl 6: Hajimeee!~ Come out now! I reserved a date for you!~

Naegi, Hajime & Nagito: *hiding somewhere behind the bushes running out of breath*

-behind the bushes-

Hajime: We're... totally... f*cked.

Naegi: It's not our fault. The fandom pulled us!

Nagito: But they loved us! Plus, it could bring hope!

Hajime: You're still talking... about hope?!

Naegi: Sh! They might hear us! How could we go back to the other side of the wall with our friends?

Hajime: We might never go back there! These crazy obsessed people are chasing us!

Nagito: For the sake of HOPE Hajime.

Naegi: Geez, I hope Autumn got a plan.

Hajime: ... ... ... You've just made a hope pun!

Naegi: Well I'm the Ultimate Hope after all.

Nagito: *waves at screen* Hello!~ Ask or dare us!

Fandom: *ambush them* WE FOUND YOU!

Naegi, Hajime & Nagito: GAH! *runs fast away from them*


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