Chapter 1

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Chapter 1,

Helena's POV.

"Coming?" Asked my brother older Troye, smiling while holding my suitcase.

"Sure am." I squealed.

My brother was a youtuber. And he was taking me with him to stay in London with him and his friends. He was basically forced to take me since my parents are going to France to celebrate their 25 year anniversary.

But I don't think Troye would mind me coming, we were like best friends after all.

I hugged my parents goodbye as did troye. We got in the cab and made our way to the airport.

Why London you ask? Why not just stay home? Well, earlier I said my brother was a YouTuber, and he needs to go over to London for a big meeting with Google HQ. So we decided if mom and dad could take a holiday, why can't we?

We engaged in an interesting conversation about politics. Nah who do you think I am! What we actually did was look like a bunch of cray cray idiots singing along to One Direction. The cab driver even joined in a few times. We arrived at the airport and troye handed the cab driver the fee. I collected our luggage and made our way inside.

After doing everything we needed to do, we finally boarded our plane. I was lucky enough to sit by the window. Troye was next to me and an old woman next to him.

It wasn't really a long flight even though we had gone from Perth in Australia to London in England.

We got off the plane and headed near the car parks. I followed behind Troye. I saw a piece of paper that said "Troye Sivan and he's sister" written in bubble writing and coloured in, much prettier than everyone else's. the sign was being held up by a boy who looked about 20. He has brown hair and brown eyes, quite tall too.

We walked towards him. Troye hugged him with a smile.

"Sorry about the sign, Zoe made it."

The boy said.

"Explains why it's so pretty!" Troye nodded.

"Oh by the way this is my sister Helena." Troye added.

"Hello Helena, my names Alfie!"

He said holding out his hand.

"Hello Alfie!" I said shaking his hand.

Alfie, being the gentleman he was, took my suitcase off me and placed it in the hood of his car. It was a nice car, but me being me, didn't know what type it was. I'm a girl am I even supposed to know?

The drive took about 20 minutes, I suppose the traffic was calm today. One the way back to Alfie's flat, all we were doing was singing along to more One Direction. Alfie said that he is the biggest directioner to ever walk the earth, so troye and him debated on that statement.

As we pulled up, Alfie rushed for my suitcase. Cheeky bugger. We entered the flat. It was very modern and so nice.

" Ill show you's around!" Alfie said putting the suitcase on the sofa. He gave us a tour of the whole flat, and showed us our rooms.

"Oh and that's Caspars room." Alfie said like it didn't even exist.

"Who's Caspar?" I spoke, for like the second time.

"She had a voice!" Alfie teased.

"Capsar is Alfie's flat mate" troye said laughing.

Alfie walked up to caspars door.

He knocked softly.

"Mmmm?" Groaned a voice.

"Caspar, you awake?" Alfie loudly whispered opening the door and sticking his head in.

"We'll I am now" the voice replied.

Alfie opened the door fully.

"Caspars a bit of a heavy sleeper." Alfie said as troye and I walked in.

I walked In to see a boy with sandy coloured hair who looked really tall, he got up and rubbed his eyes. He was just in his CK briefs.

"Troye nice to see you again" he said tiredly as he walked over to troye and hugged him.

"You too man, sorry for that rude awakening" troye said apologetic.

"Nah man it's cool" he said.

"Oh this is my sister Helena" troye said. I came out from behind Alfie.

"Hello helena I'm Caspar." He said hugging me.

I put my arms around his bare back awkwardly. I don't think I have ever hugged a half naked boy who had just wake up, and not to mention extremely cute, and who's morning voice was extremely hot.

"Anyway what time is it?" Caspar asked.

"Oh it's half 10." Alfie replied.

"Wow you two must have insane jet lag!" Capsar said, still standing there half naked. He had no shame.

"You don't even know, it's terrible." Spoke troye. I just nodded.

"We're going to stay up until like 6pm and just got to sleep then yeah?" Troye said looking over at me. I nodded with agreement.

"Well until then we have to get you to doing something then. Wanna go for a day on the street?" Caspar suggested as he slid on a t-shirt that covered his perfect torso.

"Sure." I said.

"Can I come with?" Alfie asked.

"We'll duh, I only just got here like 2 weeks ago" Caspar joked to Alfie. I think what Caspar was meaning that he had only just moved to London 2 weeks ago, well that's what Alfie had told me earlier.

"Okay let's go shall we?" Alfie said as Caspar, Troye and me followed him out the door.

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now