chapter 5

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Me, alfie and zoes plan was working so far. im staying in caspars room tonight so troye and tyler can spend some more time together. everything was going smoothly. 
Everyone was chilling in the living room watching american horror story, i was sitting on the floor, leaning against caspars legs, and he wa splaying with my hair. troye came out and sat on the edge of the coach and started whispering in tylers ear. tyler nodded. troye must have been just informing him on the sleeping arrangements, as we havnt done so yet. i turned my focas back on the show.
after about 20 minutes of staring at the tv, i could feel my eyelids geting heavier. 
"im so tired, i might go to bed." i said standing up. everyone said goodnight to me and i made my way to caspars room. by the time i got changed and plugged my macbook charger in, i wasnt as tired as i was before. i turned on my laptop and deicded to play some minecraft. i dont know why but i used to always see troye play this game and he got me addicted to it. after 10 minutes of collecting cobblestone and what not, caspar walked in. 
"i knew that show was too scary for you!" he teased.
"was not! i was just tired!" i laughed, throwing a pillow at him.
"lies!" he yelled throwing it back laughing. 
"whatever you think!" i said back.
"yay, were slumber buddys! you might not wake up tomorrow as my bed is the most comfortable thing youll ever expierence!" he cheered. i laughed and nodded.
"what you doing?" he asked looking over at my laptop screen.
"minecraft" i shrugged.
"i oh my god i love it so much! what server?" he asked.
"i dont know what that means but its hexxit" i said.
"my favourite! can i join?" he asked.
"why not!" 
he opened his laptop and we started adventuring together.

we both eventually fell asleep.

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now