chapter 3

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we arrived at the beach

i placed my foot on the hot sand. 

"ow! its hot!" i warned everyone.

"on the count of 3 lets race to the water!" caspar yelled.


we started running on the hot sand. as soon as our feet hit the water we all happily sighed.

"wanna go for a quick dip?" caspar asked me. i nodded.

we ran into the water leaving alfie and troye behind.

we splashed each other and had alot of laughes. 

"what are they doing?" i asked, pointing over at Troye and alfie who were setting up a cricket bats and stump. 

"oh, the others are coming to hang out and were going to play cricket!" caspar said.

"others?" i aksed.

"yeah, like Marcus, Zoe, Jack, Finn, Joe and Tyler, some of our youtuber friends!" he said cheerfully.

"oh cool!" i said.

we splashed around for abit until we could hear alfie calling our names. we looked over and the others were arriving. 

we rushed out of the water and made it just in time. everyone hugged one another, i even recieved a few huggs. Troye and caspar were introducing me to everyone.

"Zoe! this is my sister Helena!" troye said.

"hey! it must be good not being the only girl anymore!" she joked.

"it is!" i laughed.

"hey! c'mon you love it!" caspar said putting his arm around my should and smiling like a little kid. i laughed.

everyone placed their towels down. i placed mine next to zoe's as i wanted to talk to her and be friends with her.

we both sat and watched the boys play beach cricket, it was kind of entertaining. Zoe and i were talking about my trip to London so far and other stuff.

"so is their any 'special guy' right now in your life" zoe said nudging me with a laugh.

"nah not at the moment! how about you?" i asked.

"aw, well im sure youll find someone soon! and yeah, i do!" she said.

"aw! tell me everything! who is it?" i said.

she pointed over at alfie who was about to hit the ball

"alfie?! oh my god thats so cute!" i said.

"haha yeah, but you know what woud be cuter?" she giggled.


"you and caspar!" she laughed with a wink.

"what! noo! were just friends!" i laughed.

"yeah, well so were me and alfie, now look were we are!" she stated.

"okay, but its not going to happen!" i said.

"we'll see!" she said.

we changed the subject and talked about alot more stuff. the boys were packing up all the stumps and everything else, as their cricket game had finished.

Alfie came and sat next to zoe.

"Hey guys!" he sat sitting down.

"Hey" we both said.

"look over there!" he said, pointing over at troye, how was splashing water at a boy with glasses.

i gave them a questioning look.

both their faces dropped. 

"you dont know, do you?" alfie said seriously.

"know what?" i questioned.

"nothing! zoe cut alfie off, signally him to not say anything.

"guys, if its about troye being gay.." i said.

"oh thank god, you know!" alfie said cuttin me off.

"well, yeah, i am his sister! now what are we looking at?" i laughed

"well, the boy with the glasses, thats tyler!" zoe said.

"and?" i spoke

"well, everyone can tell they like each other, but they just wont admit it!" alfie said.

i nodded with a smile. even i could tell they liked each other!

A/N sorry for the late update! ill be updating more sooner i promise! dont forget to vote and comment! also, someone comment some ideas? whoever comes up with one ill give thier twitter a shoutout! so comment your twitter name as well! thanks for reading!

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