chapter 8

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Alfies POV 

i woke up, today was the day we flew over to LA for Vidcon. i was extremely excited. i turned over to face zoe who was laying next to me. she was so beautiful. 

"morning babe" i said as i kissed her cheek.

"morning" she smirked.

"you excited for for vidcon?" i asked.

"vidcon? yes. 4 hour flight? no" she groand.

"well c'mon little one, we have to get ready" i laughed.

i got out of bed and started getting ready. we were meeting the others at the airport.

Caspars POV

i woke up at about 5am, an hour and a half before i was supposed to. i started getting dressed and i was surprisingly quick, maybe because it was freezing. i thought id just play some gta 5 while i was waiting to leave. i was playing for a while, and it had just hit 5:30am. 

i heard some caughing, so someone was awake. their footsteps come closer and were getting louder. 

"morning Caspar" sawyer said as he rubbed his eyes.

"hey man." i said

"ooh, gta5?" he asked.

"yep, best ame i swear!" i said not taking my eyes off the screen.

"can i play too?" he asked.

"yeah sure" i replied.

"ok, let me get dressed first!" he said.

"sure! actualy i might get out my camera and film us playing, for my second channel" i said.

"ok nice" he replied and ran off.

i set up my camera and restarted the game, by the time i was finished, sawyer was ready.

we filmed for a bit, and it was 7am. everyone was awake and getitng ready. nearly everyone was ready but Helena. Cant blame her though, she is a girl.


i was getting ready, it was quite cold today so i thought id just wear a knitty jumper with a collar top underneath and a pair of black leggings. 

by the time i had finsihed getting ready everyone else had already had breakfast and had already called a taxi. 

i made it just in time to put my stuff in the taxi, and then we were off to the airport.

"remember you have to sit next to me!" caspar teased as we boarded the plane. 

"yes yes caspar"

i sat next to zoe and caspar, and alfie was beside the window, on the other side of zoe.

Alfie, Zoe and Caspar were all vlogging. it was quite awkward for me because i didnt know what to do or say when the camera was on me, so i just waved.

i was watching caspar edit and upload his vlog while we chatted and got to know each other abit more. 

"it will be up in 15 minutes, wanna play 20 questions?" he asked.

"ok sure." i said.

"ok, favourite food?" he asked.

"anything that is a fruit"

"healthy, i like it!" he said cheekily.

"yeah, my moms kinda fussy and all about healthy stuff" i said.

"then wouldnt you get annoyed of fruit?" he asked.

"nope! you can do so much with them! but i love making smoothies with them" i stated.

he nodded and asked a few more questions, with each question a conversation.

"look the videos up!" caspar said.

we watched it and read though the comments. some where some hate on me, but caspar scolled trough them quickly so i wouldnt see. 

"see people shipping us!" he said pointing and some comments. 

some made me smile.

"lets give them some Haspar!" he said pulling out his phone and taking a selfie of us hugging. 

he uploaded it to facebook and twitter and instagram.

"aw dont we look cute" he said.

"yes very" i said smiling.  

about an hour passed and zoe and i were in conversation. caspars head was on my lap, sleeping and alfie was doing the same to zoe.

we chatted for a bit more until we were landing. 

"cspar wake up were here" i said nudging him abit.

he raised his head and blinked a few times and started giggling.

"whats funny?" i asked 

he pointed down at my lap to a dibble puddle.

"ew! caspar!" i said laughing.

"sorry!" he said laughing.

"dont worry, alfie does it to me all the time!" zoe added.

we all laughed.

i looked out of the window to see the best weather ever. you could already tell we were in LA. 

3 words, sun, sun and sun.

One Way Or Another (Caspar Lee, Troyler, Zalfie, Shoey)Where stories live. Discover now