Chapter 11

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I was woken by the sound of mine and caspars Alarms. It was day 1 of Vidcon. I was really good at waking in the morning, something that Caspar isn't. I shot up and gathered some clothes out of my suitcase. I looked back at Caspar who was trying to get back to sleep, wich was funny because he was going to be woken up in 9 minutes, as the alarm goes off every 9 minutes if you don't stop the Alarm properly. I smirked and raced to shower in caspars ensuit.

I had a quick 15 minute shower, I heard the Alarm go off twice, which made me laugh. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked over to Caspar.

"Ok wake up now!" I laughed, nudging him.

"But it's too early" he groaned.

"Caspar it's 9 o'clock!" I giggled.

"Hmmm. Okay give me a minute" he said.

"Okay, by the time I step out of the bathroom you better be up!" I spoke.

He nodded.

I walked back into the bathroom and started getting dressed.

It was really hot in LA. So I planned to wear my white lace button up collar shirt, tucked into my wine red high waisted skirt. It was quite a cute outfit. Wasn't my favourite but it'll do for today. I wore my hair in a messy high bun, along with minimal natural make up.

I walked out of the bathroom after about 15 minutes and as soon as I came out Caspar shot up, acting like he had been up for a while.

"Shower time stinky!" I said as I walked out the door and threw a towel at him.

I walked downstairs to see everyone scattered around the living room and kitchen, chatting and eating breakfast.

"We'll good morning!" Greeted Joey Graceffa.

Me and him hadn't really spoke that much before, but I felt comfortable around him.

"Morning Joey!" I greeted back.

I spotted Zoe over in the kitchen, collecting some pancakes that I assume the resort delivered.

"Morning Zoe!" I said.

"Oh morning! How'd you sleep? Well, DID you sleep?" She winked.

"Zoe!" I yelled hitting her playfully.

"I slept great" I laughed.

"Well than, you excited about today?" She asked.

"I suppose, what about you though!"

"I'm so excited, I love meeting viewers and the show is so fun!" She answered.

"I'm excited to see!" I said.

2 hours later we arrived at the venue. We were dropped off In the back car park. We entered the arena and looked around. It was really big. And I was also told that it was a sold out show.

"How good!" Caspar said to me as he crept up behind me.

"It's amazing!" I said.

"It is! Are you going to come to the meet and greet?" He asked.

"Um what? I'm not a youtuber ahah" I laughed.

"No but people want to meet you! It's all over twitter!" He said as he showed me some tweets.

"Oh, well I suppose, well if they want to" I said.

"Okay! Come on then, you can come sit with me!" He said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to the meet and greet area.

We stepped out and as all the girls saw Caspar there small chit chat voices raised to very loud high pitched screams. I covered my ears and laughed. We sat down at a table, I didn't expect alot of people to want to meet me or get a photo with me, but most of the people in Caspars line came to meet me after they had met Caspar. I had a conversation with most of them and they were such lovely people.

The show and the meet and greet were amazing. One of the best things I've done. But the show was over and it was time to go home.

"Hey, what question am I up to?" Caspar said as he jumped infront of me out of no where.

"9?" I asked confused.

"Okay, question number 9; would you consider, even just the slightest bit, coming to dinner with me tonight?" He asked.

My face went a bit red. I've never been asked on a date before. Wait was it a date?

"Well, I guess I wouldn't mind it" I teased.

"Yes Caspar ill go to dinner with you" I laughed.

"Good! Lets go than!" He said.

I was confused, didn't I need to get dressed? Oh I get it, it wasn't a date. I didn't know weather to be relieved or disappointed, but I did as Caspar said and followed him.

A/N: boring chapter I know! But it gets better! I've had a massive writers block because all I can think about Is 5SOS and 1D after I went to their concert! Aaaah! So please forgive me :)



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2013 ⏰

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